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In the middle of the night, the dorm room lay in a hushed stillness. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting pale stripes across the floor. Everyone else was gone and nowhere to be found. I, on the other hand, found myself unexpectedly awake.

The room felt unfamiliar in the darkness, with the shapes of the empty beds only vaguely discernible. A chilly draft slipped through the half-open window, making me shiver. I pulled the blanket closer around my shoulders, my curiosity piqued by the unusual silence of the night.

As I lay there, contemplating the mysteries of the evening, a distant sound reached my ears-a muffled conversation, too faint to dismiss as mere imagination. I strained to hear, my heart quickening in response to the strange occurrence.

The voices grew louder, forming discernible words. There was no mistaking it; they were real, and they were close. I felt a surge of unease and curiosity battling within me. What could be happening at this late hour?

I couldn't ignore it any longer. My desire to unravel the mystery overcame my fear of the unknown. With cautious determination, I switched on my study lamp, its soft light banishing the oppressive darkness. I swung my legs over the side of my bed, the cold floorboards sending a shiver up my spine as my bare feet made contact.

Slowly, I made my way to the dormitory door, carefully pushing it open. The hallway outside was equally dimly lit, bathed in the muted glow of sconces lining the walls. The soft, worn carpet underfoot silenced my footsteps as I ventured forth.

The sound of the hushed conversation guided me down the corridor, like an invisible thread pulling me towards its source. I couldn't help but wonder why everyone else remained in blissful slumber while I embarked on this nocturnal quest.

I rounded a corner, the distant voices now clearer. They seemed to be coming from somewhere nearby, around the corner of another hallway. The old stone walls seemed to absorb my steps, granting me an eerie sense of stealth as I followed the sounds.

Finally, I found myself at the source of the murmurs. Concealed behind an ancient, ornately carved pillar, I peered around the corner. Before me lay an unusual sight: a group of students, clad in their nightwear, engaged in an earnest conversation.

Their voices, though still hushed, carried the weight of anxiety and concern. A vivid tapestry of appearances adorned the participants in this clandestine meeting, each one a unique figure in the dimly lit chamber.

A young woman with striking purple hair stood out, her brow furrowed with worry. Beside her, a tall and lean figure with a look of quiet determination seemed to be her confidant. It was the grade 5 royals. They conversed in hushed tones, their faces masked by shadows but their unease evident in every word.

The backdrop for this enigmatic gathering was no less intriguing. The hallway was narrow, the walls lined with timeworn tapestries depicting scenes from Zodiac's rich history. Soft moonlight streamed through high windows, casting patterns of light and shadow that danced across the ancient stone floor.

As I strained to understand their cryptic conversation, questions filled my mind. What could have occurred at such a late hour to gather this group of students? Why were they so troubled? And most puzzling of all, why was I the only one who had stirred from their sleep to bear witness to this midnight rendezvous?

My initial curiosity soon gave way to concern, a sense that I was on the cusp of unraveling a mystery far more significant than I could have imagined. It was as though the very air in the corridor held secrets, secrets that begged to be discovered.

"Is she dead?" one royal with striking purple hair asked anxiously.

"Zodiac is queenless? What are we going to do?" another responded with equal concern.

I couldn't help but listen, trying to piece together their cryptic conversation. "What happened to her?" I wondered

"The descendants attacked again," one of them replied, sounding troubled.

I was taken aback. I had thought the descendants were completely sealed off from our world, a mythical threat of the past.

Zodiac City was divided into four clans, each further divided into three territories, making twelve territories in total. Each territory was ruled by the main gods, such as Ares, Zeus, Persephone, Hera, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, Dionysus, and Demeter. The other gods and goddesses had been sealed off into another dimension, coming together they called themselves descendants. We knew little about them, except that they were distinctly different from us.

I continued to eavesdrop, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and fascination. The conversation's undertones hinted at something grave, something that had far-reaching implications for Zodiac City and its inhabitants. I longed to understand

Yet, my intrusion had not gone unnoticed. In the corner of my eye, I saw two figures approaching, their silhouettes growing more distinct with each passing moment. Panic seized me; I couldn't afford to be caught eavesdropping. My only recourse was to retreat, to flee from this clandestine gathering and return to the safety of my dormitory.

With the stealth of a shadow, I backed away from my hiding place, my heart thundering in my chest. Every inch of the corridor seemed to conspire against me, and I prayed that my steps would go unnoticed.

When I arrived safely in my dorm, the rest had arrived. Brooke was tossing on the bed like she was disturbed I sneaked quietly to my bed trying not to disturb them. I went under the covers deep in thought. Queen Charine was dead and they are trying to be hush about it. If the descendants were able to unalive the queen of the zodiac city what will they do to us. What does this mean for the future of zodiac academy and it's city?.

Authors note:
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How does the descendants connect to Perse😦
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