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After our passionate night together, Hayden had bid me farewell with a warm smile, and I floated back to my dorm, replaying our shared moments in my mind. My dress still carried the scent of his cologne, and I couldn't help but smile at the lingering memory of our intimacy.

The next day dawned, and I practically glided to class, an ear-to-ear grin painted on my face.

There was a new curriculum change but I couldn't be bothered with that. For once, my life in this school could be about me. What I want. My blossoming love for Hayden.

My day began with the elemental class, where I honed my skills with a sense of newfound confidence. The thrill of discovering my abilities was electrifying. Following that, I eagerly attended the self-defense and attack class, and with each move, I felt more empowered and unstoppable.

Later that evening, a giddy excitement possessed me as I decided to text Hayden. My fingers danced across the screen as I shared my happiness with him. But the silence that followed was deafening. No reply came, and the joy I had felt gradually faded. I attempted to brush it off, rationalizing that he must be preoccupied with his own commitments.

The next day, I ventured to the dining hall, my eyes scanning the bustling room for any sign of Hayden. But he remained conspicuously absent. My unease was mounting, and I couldn't ignore the sinking feeling in my chest. With trembling fingers, I sent another message, "Hey, are you okay?" The message, however, stubbornly remained marked as 'delivered,' without a hint of a response.

We had critical thinking class but the curriculum was changed. It was weird but my mind was preoccupied with something else. Hayden. Why did he ignore me all of a sudden?

The day turned into a tormenting cycle of unanswered messages, and I couldn't comprehend what had gone wrong. I was so unfocused in class, I couldn't even put full energy into trying to access Brooke's memories.

Brooke invited me to a spa day after class but I genuinely couldn't be bothered. My desperation drove me to consider an impromptu visit to the Water Clan house. I needed to see Hayden in person, to ensure he was okay and to understand the cause of his silence.

Yet, on the way there, I unexpectedly spotted Hayden standing before the Water Clan house, immersed in conversation with his friends. Relief surged through me, and I quickened my pace, eager to unravel the enigma that had been plaguing me.

"Hey, I've been texting you for the past two days. You didn't reply. What's wrong?" I questioned, genuine concern lacing my voice.

However, Hayden's response was startlingly distant from the warmth I had experienced before. He countered, his voice laced with a mocking tone, "Should I reply? Am I obligated to reply to you?" I faltered, my heart sinking at his abrupt change in demeanor.

"But, I thought..." I began, but before I could articulate my thoughts, he interrupted with an air of condescension and mockery, "Have I done something to you?" The tone was unfamiliar and unsettling.

I was lost and wounded, my emotions laid bare as I responded, "What are you talking about?"

To my bewilderment, he laughed, turning to his friends as he remarked, "I had sex with you, so all of a sudden, you're entitled to me or something?" Each word cut through me, leaving me bewildered and hurt.

A lump formed in my throat My voice trembled with the confusion and pain I was experiencing "what?"

Hayden's response, however, was devoid of empathy or understanding. "You met me like what, five days ago or a week ago, and you couldn't wait to jump in my pants," he sneered, his words biting into my already fragile state of mind. His friends stared down at me like they were judging me

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I whispered, "That's not what happened, and you know it." My heart ached as I struggled to convey the truth, to make him understand the connection I had felt.

"What did you think? That I was in love with you? After five days? Grow up, Denisha," he scoffed, the harshness of his words erasing any remnants of affection or intimacy we had shared.

"I thought..." I tried to explain, but he cut me off with a dismissive wave of his hand, his cruel words echoing in my ears.

"You're so fucking boring. Who would be in love with you?" he spat, his disdain palpable.

Devastation consumed me, and I felt humiliated and crushed by his callous words. My voice trembled as I stammered, "Please don't make a scene. I'll go," tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Yeah, go away slut," he replied, his friends snickering in the background.

As I turned to leave, the weight of the rejection bore down on me, the disbelief and hurt intensifying with each step. But then, a sudden, unexpected blow struck Hayden, sending him stumbling backward. The shock rippled through the crowd, and it was Brooke who had delivered the punch. She stepped between us, her eyes ablaze with anger, and her voice unwavering as she fiercely defended my honor, declaring, "Don't ever fucking talk to a girl like that. You disgusting piece of shit"

She looked at me with pity in her eyes "is this the boy who stopped talking to you?"

The way she looked at me...irked me. Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like I am weak. Don't look at me like I'm naive. Don't look at me like how THEY would've looked at Perse

Queen of the zodiac ( zodiac city duology #1) [ undergoing revamping]Where stories live. Discover now