03 | Glutton For Punishment

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It's late.

You trail close behind Linia and Pursena as they lead you down the corridor of the dormitory. The air is laced with a pungently sweet aroma, perhaps herbs or tea stirring from within someone's room. Mixed with the warm appeal of dark-colored tile flooring and the many windows lining the walls where silky curtains are draped overhead, it's truly welcoming.

Ahead of you, the two girls walk in perfect sync. Linia with her hands behind her head, Pursena's arms at her sides, though lacking the stick of jerky you'd expect her to be holding.

"I thought you'd just take the stuff from me and tell me to go," you say, breaking the silence. "Not invite me into the dorm, too. Let alone your room."

"Don't take it the wrong way. We're just getting some bonus out of you now that we know you ain't entirely useless, nya." Linia doesn't look at you as she speaks. Pursena, however, does. She glances nonchalantly at you with lidded eyes.

"Yeah, like, don't think we're getting buddy-buddy with you," she plainly states. "We're still in charge of you for now."

"For a while actually," Linia snickers. "I'm kinda enjoying having a pet fetch me whatever I want. Lucky for you, Y/N, those sandwiches smell pretty good."

You stare down at the bag in your hand. Just an ordinary pack made for carrying a few small things. In this case, Linia's sandwiches you made by hand and Pursena's dried meat you stopped by the market for. Granted it all came out of your pocket money, you're not happy. Never have you stooped so low that you actually spent money on your bullies.

Come to think of it, you've never been bullied. Until now. You don't even know why you're putting up with it anymore. All you are to them is a dog to play fetch with, where there is no frisbee or bone to bring back — it's all food and favors and "chores."

You think about your situation. It's sickening.

The pair of Doldia girls lead you into their dorm room. It's relatively small and dimly lit aside from the subtle spread of sunlight coming through the windows. Their beds are nestled snugly at opposite corners of the room, both of which not made, the blankets displaced wildly over the mattresses.

All in all, it's nice-looking but that fact alone doesn't make you feel comfortable in the girls' presence. You stand by the wall, rather than come further inside.

"I'll take that," Linia says and snatches the bag from your hand. You let it go without resistance. She plops it down on her bed, promptly digs in and starts pulling out the sandwiches. You made three so you expect her not to ask for more.

Supposedly you're asking for too much because one minute Linia is grinning hungrily at the food, and the next when she reaches in for more and does not find a fourth, her eyes land on you. She stares daggers into your soul.

"Only three?" she asks.

"You didn't say how many you wanted."

Your answer is disregarded. Linia sighs, takes her offerings, and sits down on her bed. She unwraps a sandwich and digs in, filling her cheeks with haste.

Now Pursena is approaching her sister, eyes on the bag of food. She sniffs the air. "Where's my stuff?"

"It's... it's in there," you say.

She fishes through the bag, retrieving a packet filled in with the dried meat you had purchased. It's not much.

Before too long, as you stand and wait for the girl's judgment, you're sweating bullets. It's not even hot in here. It's simply the lingering potential these girls have to blow up at you in case you do something wrong.

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