02 | Tyrants Do Smile

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"Oi! Hand that over, nya!"

Your eyes linger wearily on your lone sandwich packed full of salted meats and vegetables. You give the bread a gentle squeeze and then hesitantly proceed to meet Linia's eyes.

The way she stands in front of you gives off this dangerously dominant energy. Hands on her hips, smug grin crossing her lips, her gray tail swishing back and forth. Of course, as usual Pursena is there beside her, munching on another slab of jerky. Her eyes are not as tense and focused as her sister's, her attitude masked behind a quiet and aloof exterior, yet she still gives off the same kind of hostile vibe.

The two of them stand there, just a foot or two away from you as you sit in peace — well, until now — on the courtyard bench.

You eyeball your sandwich one more time like you're preparing to say goodbye to an old friend. If only the bread could talk, it might be weeping to stay secure in the warm clasp of your hands until you inevitably decide to swallow it whole.

"You want my food?" you ask the girls.

"What's it look like?" Linia suggests, leaning in. "I said, hand it over." Before you do anything, you set your eyes on the healthy sum of meat already in Pursena's hands. Skeptical, your eyebrow lifts while you consider the fact she herself has that much food, and always does telling from how much she feasts even in class, so why would Linia need food from anyone else?

"Don't have enough meat to share between the two of you?" you ask, clutching your sandwich still. "You guys already seem pretty well off. Why even bother getting food out of me?"

Linia's grin gradually falters, her lips going loose and morphing into a frown that is somewhere between frustration and disappointment.

"Listen here," she begins, "I didn't say you could start asking questions like that. Make it easy on yourself — gimme the sandwich and things won't get nyasty."

That sandwich is all you have til after classes when you have time to head back to the dorms and get more to eat. That's not for a few hours, give or take, leaving your stomach in hungry knots already. As if Linia can read the look on your face, your subtle and silent refusal, she quickly bends down and snatches the sandwich from your grasp.

Pursena's eyes widen a little upon seeing her sister do such a thing. "Linia—"

"Hey!" you shout, getting out of your seat. You clench your fists and are already in the process of stepping closer to the beast-girl when you feel a swift, firm jab at your chest. Linia denies your advances with but a push of her free arm, sitting you back down on the bench.

You land with an oomph and look up with furrowed brows, only to see Linia's foot lifting into the air. Her boot stamps you hard in the stomach, prodding your nerves and forcing you down against the wooden back of the bench. It creaks under your weight and the pressure of Linia's leg on your torso.


"That hurts," you manage to say but Linia shows no mercy; she digs her foot in deeper.

"Boo-hoo. That's what ya get for being such a thorn in my side. You do as you're told and that's that!" The beast-girl cackles, slinging an arm casually over her knee. She looks down on you like you're merely an ant for her to crush beneath the toe of her boot. In some way she has already made you feel incredibly small, powerless, knowing you wouldn't dare pick a real fight with another gifted student. Running the risks of, one, being beaten and two, getting expelled, is not on your to-do list.

"Linia, I think that's enough. Quit before a teacher sees us or something." The clearly more cautious but still nonetheless ignorant Pursena juts into her sister's series of threats.

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