Part Two - 01 | Drowning

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Dearest daughter of mine,

I do hope things are going well with your studies. Knowing you, you're probably sticking your nose into trouble at Linia's side, but that's just who you are. As long as you are keeping your grades off the ground and keeping out of harm's way, I'm satisfied.

I'm writing this letter to inform you that the slave owner who goes by the name of Augustus is readily awaiting bad news from your end. He, alongside a number of other folks related to him, are counting on the possibility of you failing to find marriage before your birthday.

This scares me. I am not willing to let you go, but by law of the tribe, there is no other option. I do not wish to let this man take you, for I fear what will become of you. Some say I shouldn't worry over your safety, as you are becoming an adult of your own very soon, but this does not change the fact that you are still my daughter.

Please, don't give that crooked man the satisfaction. I want you to be happy, and happiness is far from those who lay down their innocence to become slaves of Augustus.

I love you very much, Pursena. Make me proud.

- Father


Pursena clutches the paper tight, threatening to rip it with how her emotions easily leak into her palms and rile her fingers with vibrating rage. There's no sense in acting out, she thinks. What's done is done. The words are already on the page and she has already read them in her mind.

The girl then begins to realize.

Her fate is sealed. Now, she only exists at this school simply to bide her time. In only a few short months, she will become a slave, be stripped of her pride and joy and dignity.

Just a helpless beast-kin, repurposed to become an obedient lapdog...

She crumples the paper up and tosses it violently to the wall.

Not even an act of anger such as this can quell her neverending desperation. No matter what she hits or how ever loud she yells, it will still feel as though she's drowning in the deepest pit built of her own hopelessness.

* * *

Lately, you've been feeling rejuvenated. After all that has transpired, you have emerged a brand new kind of person, one with their priorities set straight and their head on their shoulders. On top of that, you're once again excelling in your studies — not that you ever doubted yourself; you are among the elite, and you certainly have the brains to back up that fact.

Pursena and Linia are no longer hostile toward you. Every time you see them around campus and in class, Linia will holler, "Hey, Boss!" while wearing a toothy grin. Her sister will grant you a small smile and a "Hey" as she strolls by every so often.

Even the students around you acknowledge you for being on the Doldias' good sides. Every now and again you'll catch someone unfamiliar to you gawking at the sight of Linia looking delighted to be around you. You'll hear the faintest gossip about you and the sisters being on good terms.

Just like that, you've gone from the bottom of the barrel to way on top. If you're lucky, some strangers might even start referring to you as Boss just like Linia does. You've really earned a name for yourself.

Now that it's nearing the end of October, you start to think. You haven't really gotten much out of the girls yet. You told them they'd be your servants from now, and while it does seem like they'd be willing to lay down whatever they're doing in the moment to cater to you, you haven't actually ordered them around.

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