07 | Status Quo

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The magic in your hand flashes away into a heap of icy white particles, vanishing behind your palm before anyone can see. You think maybe you weren't quick enough to hide it, but the person standing in the doorway now doesn't bat an eye at your violent gesture.

Pursena, instead, is focused on her sister. She stands there with her hands clenched tight into fists, hair totally unkempt for one reason or another, those eyes of maroon piercing her sister's. Linia stares back. Since she's seated just between your legs, you can feel her tail swishing methodically about in the air, tapping your pants. A signal of her awareness.

"You just left me there," Pursena growls. "I saw you, Linia. I saw you watch the guards pull me away. Why the hell were you smiling?"

"It was... just a little funny! I wasn't gonna be a dumbass and try to save you from the authorities!" Linia lies to get herself somewhat in the clear, when in reality she was the one who set Pursena's arrest in motion. Tricking the girl into stealing market food really paid off — and at the same time it didn't, because now the sisters are staring each other down like rabid wild animals.

You glance at the two girls. They are in a whole other world right now, egged on by some kind of invisible fury. It's all behind their eyes and now, you can almost feel the tension in the air. Not even the heat of the hearth can rival the sisters' boiling points.

They are ready to explode. Or so you think. Pursena eventually loosens her hands and sighs, fixing her messy hair. She tidies her canine ears and closes the door behind her, coming in further. Linia watches her move carefully, like a cat watching its prey.

Pursena sits on her bed on the side of the room opposite you and Linia. She crosses her arms over her chest, staring daggers over at her sister. And for a split second, she acknowledges you.

"Let me guess. You brought Y/N back here to give you a little spa session," Pursena mutters.

"No, of course not," Linia says quickly. Pursena's eyes land elsewhere, and you immediately feel the pressure of her gaze because she is now glaring at the brush in your hand.

You freeze. "Uh—"

"I mean, it's whatever. As long as I get a turn," Pursena says, catching you entirely off guard. The same goes for Linia, who now wears a smug face brought on completely by disbelief.

"Your turn? Really?"

Pursena nods at her sister. "Did I stutter? It's only fair. You got to be brushed. So can I."

"Hey, I'm not some kind of portable pet groomer," you say suddenly. Linia, still in between your lap, turns her head to glare into your eyes.

"Watch it! I ain't a pet. Maybe she is, but not me."

Pursena scoffs. "Oh, please! I bet you asked Y/N to give you chin scratches too. You still think you're a kitten."

"Shut up, mutt!"

"What did you call me, tuna muncher?!"

The two girls stand up from their seats and approach each other. You almost want to see them duke it out for once, so that you aren't the only one caught in the line of fire. But at the same time you aren't willing to risk alerting their dorm neighbors.

You get up and quickly put yourself in between them before they can start swinging. "Hang on, hang on! Relax!"

Linia and Pursena don't push in any further; they stand at either sides of your arms, only staring at each other now. It's clear they still want to settle this physically. You don't want to see this get bloody though. And that's odd because you're normally the one getting beaten and battered by their hands...

So why? Why am I stopping them?

"Here I was, thinking you two were inseparable or something. You're fighting over the dumbest things," you say, to which both girls fix their gaze on you.

Wait. What exactly are they fighting over...?

"It's not my fault this meat goblin needs correction," Linia hisses.

"Just admit it, Linia. You want Y/N all to yourself."

Wait... me?

"Pssh. I can do just fine without 'em."

What are they talking about?

Pursena nods, then quickly snatches your shoulder and pulls you away from her sister. Unprepared for the sheer force she exerts, you stumble forward. The girl catches you in her arms, yet her eyes still linger on her feline sister.

"More for me, then. Leave Y/N for a while, 'kay?" Pursena starts leading you toward the door, pulling gently on your sleeve. It seems like the two aren't going to share anymore words, this conflict coming to an end, as behind you Linia is struggling to find the right words to bite back with.

Her fanged mouth is hanging open, lips quivering with every thought that comes to her mind. But in the end, she just huffs, crosses her arms, and turns away.

"Whatever, loser. I don't need Y/N anyway."

Something tells you she isn't being completely honest

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Something tells you she isn't being completely honest. She's still glancing at you out of the corner of her eye, angry, and in some way... desperate. Desperate for you. The loyal servant of the Doldia girls.

Deep down, she needs you. She wants you. And you know, as you stare briefly back at her before Pursena pulls you out of the room, she is going to do whatever it takes to get you.

If you felt even the slightest tinge of romance radiating from either of these girls, you'd be flattered. Flustered maybe. Because you'd be the center of attention, being fought over by a pair of cute sisters.

But as reality sets in, so does the horror of the situation. This isn't romantic in the slightest. They are fighting for control over a living, breathing human being.

You're not flattered, nor flustered. But you are still the center of attention! The main attraction! A puppet on strings...!


Because of that, you're terrified.

Turning Tail [Reader x Doldia Girls]Where stories live. Discover now