Final Part - 01 | Sworn in Snow

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Pursena stood at the edge of the fence, peering out into the serene backdrop of white. There in the sky, beautiful petals of snow fell like fluorescent dancers twirling amongst the clouds. She leaned forward, propping her elbows on the wooden fencing, her eyes wandering to the wintry sky.

It was the first snowfall of the year. For once in her life, Pursena was not spending it in the warmth of her dorm room with her sister, nor was she in class slacking off and eating jerky instead, nor was she at home with her family.

This year, she was in a rather unfamiliar place, but one that radiated the same kind of warmth as home did regardless. Her tail began to wag. Here, in this snowy village, she felt safe.

"Oi!" came a voice from behind. Pursena glanced over her shoulder, finding her sister stepping through the snow. "Think fast!"

Pursena instinctively got off of the fence and outstretched her arms, surprised to be catching a big winter coat. Linia grinned heartily at her sister's confused face, holding up a second coat of her own.

"The tailor made us some pretty nifty coats, nya. Check out that fur collar." Linia looked over her coat, a childish admiration in her eyes for the smooth furs that rounded the collar. Her fingers squeezed the material, tracing over the warm woolen sleeves.

Pursena followed suit, reveling in the fine quality of the coat. She lifted her chin, looking toward her sister. "How much were they?"

"Three gold a piece," Linia said. "Not too bad, eh?" She pulled the front of the coat open and slung her arms into the sleeves, quickly letting herself be absorbed into the heat of the wool. Her tail twitched in pleasure. With this, not even the strongest gust of icy wind could breach her skin.

Pursena smiled at her sister's pleased expression, following along and putting her coat on. It was like magic. No wonder Linia looked so content. Pursena wasn't the type to give credit where credit was due, mostly for those she didn't know, but the village's tailor sure deserved a medal of honor.

"Nice," Pursena breathed and watched that same breath become an icy cloud right before her face.

"Right?" Linia meowed. "Let's hit up the tavern next. I'm starvin', nya."

Though the feline's suggestion was tempting, Pursena felt herself compelled by the horizon, there past the village fence. Silent, she turned away and continued staring into the snowfall. Linia suppressed a groan at her sister's wistful sightseeing, moving closer until she was standing beside her and watching the snow fall all the same.

"You gonna be a prude and stand here all day?" she asked, nudging her sister's shoulder, but unable to nudge her out of this mood.

"Maybe," Pursena replied. "I like the snow."

"I know you do. But you don't gotta stare at it all day. Come on, I ain't eating unless you eat with me."

For once, the word 'food' had little effect on the gluttonous canine. Her eyes continued to sweep the land, those vast plains caked in snow and slush. Linia pulled back, leaned away from the fence and stared down at Pursena's rear. She watched the girl's tail wag against her skirt and scoffed.

"Sheesh," was all Linia said at first. She took her hands off the fence, stepping away into the crunchy snow. "Whatever. I'll leave you to it, prude. I'm gettin' me some grub." With that, the feline was off, though she lingered for a second longer to see if Pursena might change her mind and follow after her. When she didn't, however, Linia sighed and left altogether.

Pursena smiled. The snow was soothing. Being alone felt nice. That meant she could think freely, without a single disturbance. Nothing could stop her from thinking of a certain someone, that one person whom she loved and adored. The image of their face and the sound of their name — it made her happy.

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