05 | Tattletale

859 33 4

True to her word, Pursena did indeed go to the market and come back holding a brown paper bag filled with chicken wings. True to yours, you stayed put in the courtyard until she returned.

Thankfully she doesn't tell you to feed her again, otherwise you might have lost it and snapped. She only sits beside you, eating piece after piece of that massive chicken in silence. You don't know what kind of mutant birds people had to butcher to get meat that looked more like a weapon than food, but you have to admit, it looks good. And it's Pursena's favorite, the kind of meat she's always snacking on in class.

You're not too hungry though. Even if you were, everything in your body screams not to ask for anything from either Doldia girl. They'll just end up using that as leverage against you if you fall so low as to need or want something from them. That's how their pride works — it's twisted and it's ugly and they just can't get enough of being the ones on top.

You won't feed their ego. No way.

As you sit there beside Pursena while she continues chowing down on her food, part of you wishes to leave. Just get up and walk away, maybe come up with something fabricated to get away with good reason.

However the other part of you can't help but feel off. Like something's missing. The longer you hang around Pursena, this feeling grows stronger. Then it hits you. You face the dog-girl, immediately attracting a salty sidelong glance as though she could smell your thoughts.

"Your sister," you say. "Where is she?"

Pursena curiously lifts an eyebrow, swallowing her food. "Why?"

"She's normally always with you. I mean, I don't really care, but it's unusual to see... y'know... the mighty princesses not together."

You let that last part slip. Pursena glares at the sound of your words.

"First of all, watch your mouth before I have to watch it for you." She pauses to bite a chunk of meat off. "Second, don't worry about her."

"So you know where she's at."

Pursena's eyes wander a moment. You get a gut feeling she's trying to avoid the topic at hand, which is weird considering it's about her sister.

"I said don't worry about her."

"Does it have something to do with me? If she's gone and you guys are planning to do something to me, just tell me."

Thinking you could get through to her, you continue to press on. Pursena does not look amused in the slightest. In fact, so turned off by your attempt at figuring her and her sister out, Pursena grabs a chicken wing and smacks you across the face with it.


"Shut up," she says then smacks you again. "Shut up, shut up, shut up." Four smacks. She stops to watch you rub your aching cheek. It's not as bad as when Linia punched you but those chicken wings — actually, chicken clubs — do sting.

"God, you're annoying," she grumbles. "Always talking and asking dumb questions. I'm not your friend. Quit talking so much. Unless it's important, keep your mouth shut."

You hesitate to speak further. "But it's about your sister." She smacks you again with the same wing.

"I said, don't worry about that. Are you deaf?"

You suppose there's no point in pressuring her, as that stubbornness she radiates will likely never die off. Clearly the sisters are working on something. Linia could be doing anything right now to set up the perfect scheme in order to get back at you for talking down on them yesterday. And here Pursena is, instructed to hold you hostage until the time is right.

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