••|¥^Chapter 2^¥|••

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<*First Love*>

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

I hate to say this but after Nezuko and Giyuu-sans death I don't feel emotions anymore...."I replied"

I always fell you before but after I remember why I got my emotions back"he said"

you do?"I ask"

yeah"he answered"

"I look at the sky again and I felt like someone is on my shoulder when I whipped my head I saw Tokito sleeping he looks so cute when he sleep I feel my face heat up and I know I am blushing so much'

"after awhile muichiro starts to wake up"

Good afternoon Tanjiro

oh uh good afternoon Tokito

hmm just call me Muichiro

o-oh uh okay Muichiro

"he lays his head on my lap and goes back to sleep"

"I know my face is red because I felt really warm he looks so cute"

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"I know my face is red because I felt really warm he looks so cute"

"I let him sleep on my lap and I look at the sky thinking about my family they are in peace and in a better place now I put my hands on muichiros shoulder to make him feel comfortable"

"after awhile I felt sleepy and take a nap while muichiro is still in my lap"

"I woke up and saw that it was already nighttime muichiro is beside me reading a book where did he get the book from?"

oh Toki-Muichiro your awake...

yea if your wondering why I have a book don't question"he replied"

okay"I slightly blush looking at Muichiro he is perfect in every angle his calm voice his eyes are sometimes emotionless but I love still love it his calm bright smile and happy expression that his had been showing with me when I'm around"

"he looks feminine but I always ignores it he looks beautiful perfect lovely personality well on me not anyone else I suppose"

"*I look at him with a bright smile slight blush be looks so cute when he reads when he smile when he sleeps everything he looks perfect no matter what I was thinking of a conversation with him but he is too focused on reading the book he was holding so I just stay quiet as I look at him read he looks at me has a really cute bright smile on his face*"

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