**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Chapter 18˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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*^'°The battle against Muzan and the sun's death°'^*
(this is going to be short cause I'm lazy and I'm going to finish the other stories)

*•"No one's POV"•*

the sun hashira and the flame hashira encounter Kibutsuji, Muzan the other Hashiras came to join them"we meet again Kibutsuji, Muzan"The sun Hashira started"it's nice seeing you, Kamado Tanjiro"the sun hashira balled his fist"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"he yelled anger taking over him"let's see about that, your family was delicious either"the demon king getting on the sun Hashira's nerves"you monster!"the Hashiras yelled"let the fight begin"the demon king as he started the fight with his testicles and the Hashiras barely dodge

the sun hashira slashes at him and cuts his head but he immediately regenerate the Flower hashira and the flame hashira ambush him and doesn't dogged it with his tentacles getting cut the water hashira goes to him but got injured luckily the beast hashira caught her before she falls to the ground the flower hashira sees this and uses her final breathing and slashes his arm but he generates it he goes for the thunder hashira but the Hashira dodges.

to be continued

just kidding

the demon king slashes at the flame hashira but luckily the sun hashira saw the flame hashira and they both slashes at the demon king the demon king loses his tentacles and slashes at the two the Hashira got injured badly and all Hashiras slashes at the demon king and got injured badly and some demon slayers came to rescue and sacrifices their selves

and Muzan is almost defeated and the sun hashira goes for it but gets more injuries he lost an arm the Hashiras are getting injured too while trying to defeat him the sun comes and the demon king is about to burn and the sun hashira goes for the kill before the demon king exploded the Hashiras and the remaining demon slayers are so glad and happy but the sun hashira falls to the ground his Tsugukos who just arrived saw him and the sun hashira smiles weakly"no no please dad don't! first papa now you?"the sun Hashira's girl tsuguko said"dad don't leave, please we can't lose you too"the sun's Hashira's male tsuguko said"take care you two, don't worry I'll be watching you up there, till the sun comes"the sun hashira said

the Hashiras started crying"No Tanjiro! don't go"the thunder hashira said"Tanjiro...I'll miss you"the beast hashira said pronouncing his name right"I'll do too inosuke"the sun hashira said he closes his eyes while the others cries telling him not to leave them


**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

"Tanjiro..."a familiar voice called
"Tanjiro"it calls more clearer opening my eyes to see my lover"Muichiro...?"I smiles with tears falling he smiles back and hugged me"good job Tanjiro, I'm proud of you"hearing the voice I always wanted to hear again"Father, Mother!"I got up and hugs them"I miss you guys so so much!"I said"we miss you too Onii-chan"my siblings said as I look at them I couldn't control my crying and hugs them as I turn around and saw Sanemi-san,Giyuu-san and Genya I went up to them and hugged them"I miss you guys you've been my family through out my adventure"I said to them"we missed you too Tanjiro they said

**✿❀Machi's POV❀✿**

I hope your doing alright up there dad and papa I miss you guys

to be continued

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