•|'~Chapter 4~'|•

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•<"*final selection*">•

**✿❀Muichiro's POV❀✿**

it's been awhile now since Tanjiro had adopted Machi and Theo I was surprised I could remember their name right I watch them train starting off the basic water breathing but Machi

Kamado-sensei I now wanna learn hinokami kagura!-M

Machi it's actually call Sun breathing but I like to call it hinokami kagura-T

okay Kamado-sensei can I learn it now-M

alright Machi-T

They both started easy and I see that tanjiro's training is getting rough one by one I can see Machi's about to give up but kept on training as she wanna learn sun breathing since tanjiro said the final selection is only 4 days afar she should use water breathing for now and they could start training when Machi passed the final selection

But Kamado-sensei I really wanna learn sun breathing-M

Machi sun breathing is really hard to obtain you should stick on with water breathing for now when you get a mission I will be sending murata for backup I will be happy if you go with your brother-T


I smiled and I saw tanjiro looking at me with a blush

Yes Tanjiro?-MT


Tanjiro's face is slightly pink

oh really tanjiro?-MT

Yup nothing-T

Tanjiro's face is now really red


I chuckled of how red Tanjiro's face was

I chuckled of how red Tanjiro's face was

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i am alright nothing is wrong!-T

Kamado-sensei you look really flustered-M

it's fine his usually like that Machi come on inside I'll cook you some fried rice balls-MT


Come on let's head inside-MT

Me tanjiro and Machi head inside the sun estate I made them fried rice balls because those are their favorite

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