×‽•!Chapter 6!•‽×

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"~•~*a day with my importance*~•~"

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

it's my day off so do the other Hashiras we still stay alerted for demons but for now I could stay with my adopted children and my lovely boyfriend Muichiro I felt someone hug me from behind and I already know who it is it's muichiro

it's my day off so do the other Hashiras we still stay alerted for demons but for now I could stay with my adopted children and my lovely boyfriend Muichiro I felt someone hug me from behind and I already know who it is it's muichiro

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hey love did your mission go well?"I ask my lover who is hugging me from behind now"

mhm it was okay"he answered in a sleepy tone"

love do you want to have cuddles?"I ask"

yes please"he answered wanting one right now his too tired and want to be with me"

I see... alright let's go"I said to him"

I lifted him up he was stronger before but then now I'm stronger then him as a Hashira I got him to our bedroom and we both lay and cuddle each other falling asleep in each other's arms giving muichiro a forehead kiss before we sleep

I love you muichiro "I said to him"

I love you too Tanjiro "He told me sweetly"

we both fall asleep for a few hours until Machi and Theo wakes us up it was 1 pm me and my muichiro are having our nice sleep until this two ruined our moment I mean I'm not complaining but I do love to spend most of my time with muichiro but also with Machi and Theo they are just little too cute to be mad of them

Machi Theo what do you two want?"I said while sitting up with Muichiro"

Train me Train me!"Machi replied"

isn't too early right now"I said politely rejecting her"

but-"She said as she was cut off by Muichiro"

Now now Machi we all could spend time a family time together"Muichiro said"

yea Muichiro is right- wait did you just say-"I said before I was cut off"

YAY!"Machi said in Happiness"

Muichiro looks at me with a smile and looks back at Theo and Machi they seems to like Muichiro's company I think they think that we are their real parents because of how we treated them they are like our real children me and Muichiro got up and goes to dress up in our kimono we all decided to go out for today and we go to the market to get groceries we let Machi pick the restaurant we will go eat Theo was in the box where Machi is keeping him safe man I really love hashira break times

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