∆°•!^*Chapter 10*^!•°∆

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(short chapter)

*∆וembarrassment with Ayokata-sama and the others finding out•×∆*

=°*3rd Person*°=

all Hashira's are called in a Hashira meeting

"you'll might be wondering why I called you all here"Kiriya said

(Kiriya is now their master)

"yes we are ayokata-sama"Kanao said

"we are going to discuss about the new uppermoons and lowermoons Kibutsuji Muzan is making"Kiriya said

"New Uppermoons..."Tanjiro said

"How is he making more and more any minute?"Genya ask

*Yuichiro turns to his human form from his demon form*
(I'll make a chapter how a ghost like him do that don't question my logic alright T^T)

"Have you gotten more information about Kibutsuji Muzan Yuichiro?"Kiriya said

"Yes sir he said he will send a Demon on mt kita and it's one of his uppermoon or lowermoon I didn't hear much but it might be a uppermoon Ayokata-sama..."Yuichiro said

"Thank you for the information Yuichiro"

Kiriya looks at Zenitsu and Hakuri(Tengen's daughter)

"Zenitsu and Hakuri you two are going to investigate and kill the demon in that mountain"Kiriya said

kiriya turns to look at Everybody

"you guys will be dismissed.."

Kiriya remembers something that kotetsu said to him

"oh I almost forgotten to say this..."

Kiriya looks at Tanjiro and Muichiro

"Kotetsu told me that he heard noises in your room last Friday night"

Muichiro turns white cause of embarrassment Tanjiro just blush and didn't make eye contact with Kiriya

Everyone else smiles and think of something dirty and they all laugh about it and muichiro throws his sword to his laughing brother

"it was nothing I swear!"Muichiro said

"oh really so that's why you couldn't walk for 5 days straight"Yuichiro Laugh

Everyone else laugh along side him Tanjiro Chuckles Muichiro was just embarrassed and couldn't think straight and remembers everything and turns into a tomato

Kiriya laughs the children outside listening and laughs alongside them and is tearing with laughter Theo was just confused of what is happening with his sister and brother alongside with Yuki(My bestie's character) and kitsune(my boyfriend's character)

(you can give me your KNY oc to be their tsuguko)

I'm losing brain cells right now and literally I'm getting more and more mad when my boyfriend's best friend because his my sitmate man I hate it wish my bestie is my sitmate tho were not aloud

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