*$+^chapter 13^+$*

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(yes another angst)

**✿❀Yuichiro's POV❀✿**

I killed my own brother I am a monster I can't believe myself I think to myself as tears fall to my cheek I looked at my hand it's slowly disappearing I teleported to genya's estate and I saw him looking at some stuff that salami whatever left he looks at me and a small smile form into his face but it soon fades as he saw my tears

"yui? what's wrong did something happen- Y-you're h-hand its fading"

he immediately ran towards me and hugs me holding my hands looking at it

"I killed him his dead that's why i'm fading..."

the fading goes from my hand to my shoulders now I think I need to confess my feelings now I guess

"I love you..."

"y-yui no please don't disappear please I love you too"

I was already fading and he was crying as I fully faded


it was all black and I woke up to where I was before and my brother stands behind me

"hello brother"

"why? you traitor! you know I have childrens!"

"yes but it would hurt to betrayed the corps by telling kibutsuji where the headquarters is"

"but you still betrayed me"

"I know but I betrayed myself too you're not the only one"


"I was ordered to and I was there to choose losing the corps and the demons continuing to get stronger or sacrifice our life"

"what a asshole fucking bitch is he even thinking right?"

"yeah he isn't does he think Tanjiro would let that slide that he made me kill his husband does he think that he could frame me by killing you sucks on him he thinks I hate you doesn't mean I would kill my very own blood brother I guess we just have to wait until they go here in the after life now huh? wanna see dad and mom?"

"you know I sometimes think you we're never my brother and yes I do!"

"fuck that shit let's just go and let them handle it"

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

fuck you muzan kibutsuji do you think I would let that slide killing my beloved husband I fucking hate you first my family second my older brother figure third my sister now my husband I won't let you hurt my children for good I thought to myself as tears from flustration and sadness fill my eyes I looked at my sword and swore i'll kill muzan kibutsuji for good I looked back at the pictures I have with my family I stand up from where I was sitting and goes to hunt demons with coldness and anger fill my eyes having no mercy to the demons the hatred for demons are now at it's limit I can't handle seeing someone traumatize and crying over the dead I lost my husband my family my older brother figure I hate them so damn much I look at the demons head it was another lowermoon of muzan and I put my feet on it crushing it having no more mercy for demons

**✿❀genya's POV❀✿**


I yelled as I cried out I've liked Yuichiro his my best friend I hate muzan so much now I know the real reason why I really became a demon slayer to avenge and kill the ones who kill my beloved 

**✿❀senjuro's POV❀✿**

"another lost of a hashira who can replace him Ayokata-sama"

"I don't know either renguko but I think it's best to get murata as his replacement"

"what no we can't have two water breathers on the hashiras beside how about kotetsu"

"kotetsu still can't really do well like Muichiro"

"but his still his tsuguko he deserves that role"

"I know but..."

"you still don't know the rules of being the master aren't you?"

"Well yes I'm 12 so I wouldn't know"

"I feel you kicking us all apart from our childhood is the bad thing that would be the reason why we join this environment of such merciless demon slayer killing demons that are once human"

Kanao:"you two are not the only one that hated this environment of killing demons but...how about we continue the wish of Kamado and Kanae Kocho of having peace with demons"

Ayokata-sama:"That's impossible Tsuyuri having Muzan being a good demon he would kill us immediately everyone has full hatred on him and no one would want to make peace with him... anymore"

Senjuro:"do you think Kamado would agree on that? I mean Kibutsuji killed his Lover his Family and brother figure even mine he killed my Brother"

Kanao:"that's reasonable"

Aoi:"no one would really want to have an alliance with some kind of stupid demon that killed they're family that's why the demon slayer environment was made to kill those merciless demons that killed our family"

Senjuro:"Not just Muzan who killed them the reason why I became a demon slayer is to avenge my brother and I swore to father to kill that stupid uppermoon"

Aoi and Kanao:"we swore Nee-san that we will kill douma"

Ayokata-sama:"the only reason why our family made the demon slayer corps is to get this stupid curse that was made by him turns out his kinda the ubuyashiki blood"

Aoi:"so you're saying you're related with the cruel monster?"

Ayokata-sama:"Sadly yes"

Kanao:"why would he kill them why won't he let them leave and have a great happy and peaceful life?"

Senjuro:"we're all taken away from our childhood because of this the one happy calm and peaceful slayer became a merciless emotionless and careless slayer he isn't like that"

Kanao:"were all slowly turning as our master and our sibling"

Ayokata-sama:"the day they die their siblings will be the who's going to turn to them"

Kanao:"Tanjiro and Muichiro has a happy life but it was taken away again"

Aoi:"the three children are all taken from their very own childhood"

to be continued
I'm crying rn season 4 is not in my country yet

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