•*~"chapter 17"~*•

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*-•+a past that is irreplaceable+•-*

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

"Tanjiro, Tanjiro?"as I heard a woman said it was my mother"yes momma?"I said respectfully then a saw a woman with two twin girls or should we say I missed gendered the twin"Momma who are they?"I ask my mother who they were and she replied with"this is Amari Tokito and her little Twin boys Muichiro and Yuichiro the minute I saw Muichiro the minute I fell inlove that was the first time we've met in our life"h-hello"the first time he talked to me the day he talked to me it was like 16 years ago can't believe he didn't recognize me the day I turned to a demon slayer I mean he is only 3 at that time and I'm 4 and I never reminded him about those things

"Papa, Papa!"I heard Machi said it was before our marriage"yes Machi?"I said"how did you and Tokito-san met?"she ask a question that Muichiro couldn't answer because he knew the Hashira meeting is not the first time we've met"well I met him a Hashira meeting in the past"I lied to assure him"yeah! we met on a Hashira meeting"Muichiro agreed"soooo you two aren't childhood friends or anything?"she said well Muichiro couldn't remember so I just lied I don't like lying to anyone but I have to because I don't want any spoilers in the past"well...yeah we aren't childhood friends but teenage hood friend"I tried making a joke", there's the dad jokes again"Muichiro laugh"Seriously Kamado- Sensei"I laughed along with Muichiro

Genya is one of my friends from a old town I known him when we were 6 or 7? I don't really remember our age but I know we're around 6 or 7 I don't really know he visited the town with his Mother and siblings we met each other at the town while my father was selling coal and he is pretty kind and not a hot head that time that was the first time we met I didn't realize it was him on the final selection because of his scar he is a pretty hot headed that time and I had my anger take over me and when I realize his name was Shinazugawa, Genya I really that he is one of my Childhood friend

ugh! I have to focus on trying to find Muzan but remembering those past is just making me feel upset"Kamado-san? are you alright?"senjuro ask while looking for Kibutsuji, Muzan with me with a concern look and voice"yes I am I just remembered something in the past let's go focus on finding Kibutsuji, Muzan now"I said with a serious tone and a emotionless look

**✿❀Senjuro's POV❀✿**

Kamado-san isn't usually like that he always has a bright smile on his face and doesn't have an emotionless look on his face might be because of his lover, brother figures and family's death he might've remembered them"you sure you're alright you seem upset"I ask in concern"yes! I'm fine don't worry about me worry about yourself"he said in a cold voice it's like his heard it cold"Alright if you say so Kamado-san"I said I'm still concern about him he isn't like that I miss the old Tanjiro-san guess everyone changes dad is right

goes to right room sees Kanao and Inosuke kills uppermoon 2 as I look to them I heard Kamado-san helping Agatsuma-san with uppermoon 5 but where's uppermoon 6? I got ambush and luckily I killed her with no problem there's only upper 4 left but where- we all got separated again the walls are moving I activated my demon slayer mark and I guess everyone else too we all ambush uppermoon 4 and killing her but then we all got transferred to the real work and there was Kibutsuji, Muzan waiting for us...

to be continued....

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