˚。⋆୨୧˚Chapter 15˚୨୧⋆。˚

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✥○❃Revenge from a broken flame brother❃○✥

**✿❀Senjuro's POV❀✿**

Tanjiro is still strong and independent I look towards the demon can't believe this guy is Uppermoon 3 who killed my brother I thought myself clenching my fist with anger in my eyes I could feel Tanjiro is enrage after all these Uppermoon killed most of his love ones I will avenge you brother don't worry


"You know senjuro..."

"Hmm? What is it father?..."

"I wouldn't want you to take Kyojuro's place I don't want you to end up like him dying from an Uppermoon I never really wanna lose both of my son"

"... I won't die father I promise I will kill the Uppermoon who killed my older brother"

"You're so goddamn independent Senjuro... Your just like your brother"

*end of flashback*

"Well well well who's this guy he looks like Kyojuro" The Uppermoon said

"I'm Senjuro Rengoku! The brother of Kyojuro Rengoku!"I yelled

" well I'm Akaza the one who killed your brother"He said

"I already guess Akaza" I said with anger

"I will make you have the same pain as your brother I guess" he said

I was about to yell until Tanjiro stop me and talk to Akaza

"He will not but we will kill you" Tanjiro didn't hesitate to say

"*laughs* what a joke I've killed more then just one hashira Tanjiro"Akaza said

"I know...and we will survive and kill you"Tanjiro said in a stern voice

then I saw Akaza's fist almost at my face how didn't I see that then Tanjiro cuts his hand

" I'm not the same anymore! So don't you dare play like this!"Tanjiro said in a confident yelling voice

I quickly made that opportunity to quickly make my attack

*flame breathing first form: unknowing fire*

I almost cut his head but then he dodge it damnit I'm not as good as father and brother then I got a close call he almost do the same thing he did to my brother to me

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

*Himokami Kagura third form:Raging sun!*

I got him right there before he touches Senjuro I don't want him to suffer as his brother I don't wanna lost someone who is close to me

*Himokami Kagura fifth form:Fire wheel*

I almost got his head but not yet

"give up you two you both can't defeat me"Akaza said

"we've killed more then just one uppermoon how bad can we be if we don't kill you!?"Senjuro said confidently

I smiled of seeing him being so confident his just like his brother

"I see you are as confident as kyojuro"Akaza said

"Don't bring my brother into this!"he yelled

as he distracted him I use my ninth form

*Himokami Kagura ninth form:setting sun transformation!*

I almost cutted his head if he didn't dodge it

"good work Tanjiro"Akaza said

tch damnit if I had taken the chance I saw senjuro using his fifth form flame tiger

he almost cut his head but dodge him again fucking bullshit his going on my nerves right now

*Himokami Kagura sixth form:Burning bones Summer sun!*

yes! it cut his both arms and legs

Senjuro uses his third form and cuts his head but how is he not right this is the demon dimension then we got shocked by a sudden explosion he killed himself?

"I-"I heard Senjuro

"what happened to him!?"he said

"exploded himself"I said

**✿❀Senjuro's POV❀✿**

I did it I made my revenge brother your in peace now I thought as tears are in my eyes smiling with happiness my big brother is in peace now

but where is Hakuri?

"Kamado let's find Uzui and Shinazugawa!"

"that's what I was about to say"

We both go around this demon dimension trying to find my best friend and shinazugawa but when we got to the room we were too late shinazugawa was cut in half

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

No no no!


I yelled and go towards him trying to see if he would be alright

"No no please tell me you can regenerate please I don't wanna lose you too please genya please"I cried out while Hakuri and senjuro fights Uppermoon 1

"I can't please Tanjiro kill Muzan for me"he said with his last smile as he fades

"No! Genya please don't! GENYA!"I yelled as he completely faded in my arms

this is the final straw I got up and grab my sword and saw hakuri on the ground not breathing anymore I used the thirteenth form of sun breathing

*Himokami Kagura thirteenth form!:ju San no kata*

it killed uppermoon 1 in one shot even at the cause of of friends I will avenge you all

okay I am making things short now sorry got lazy and I wanna finish this and the other stories by the end of the year

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