•×°Chapter 5°×•

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•>*love confession*<•

~3 days later~

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

its a wonderful morning to start my daynow what should I do-"my thoughts were cut off by a knock on my front door"

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its a wonderful morning to start my day
now what should I do-"my thoughts were cut off by a knock on my front door"

"Knock knock knock knock"

who's here early in the morning-?"I thought"

I'll get"Machi said and she gets the door"

Oh hello I'm here to bring your sword"a familiar voice said"

thank you come inside"Machi said"

Thank you"the familiar voice said as he walks in"

that mask is familiar it's kotetsu wow he had grown up pretty well but his still 12 years old and then kotetsu notices me

huh!? Tanjiro you are a Hashira!?"kotetsu yelled"

huh!? Tanjiro you are a Hashira!?"kotetsu yelled"

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oh it's obvious?"I said calmly"

don't yell that's a Hashira your talking to"Muichiro said behind me while playing with Theo"

Tokito-San!?your living with him!??"kotetsu then yelled"

WHAT!?"I yelled"

kotetsu muichiro visits us to take care of Theo"I said"


but I wanna see what your sword color would turn out"Kotetsu said looking back at Machi"

Let's have a seat and see what the sword would turn out"I said as me and the others taked a seat"

Broken love Muitan/tanmuiWhere stories live. Discover now