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The following days were all the same, Jeremiah would flirt with Belly and she would just condone it. I don't know which is worse, seeing your best friend almost break a pack, or watch the man you've been in love with since birth flirt with your best friend.

Today was Belly's birthday, she would finally be 16. Which would make me the baby of the friend group again for a few months.

Taylor was coming today, I had only ever met her twice, she hated Cousins, but she loved Belly. That was her girl, and she tolerated me. Taylor and I weren't the best of friends, but we always wanted what was best for Belly. We respected each other, and I honestly would consider her my friend.

Jeremiah was going to take Belly and I to go pick up Taylor from the bus stop. I didn't understand why Jeremiah couldn't do the same during the school year.

I laugh as I watch Jeremiah make a funny face on FaceTime. This was the 3rd time this week for us calling each other. It was a month before finals for winter break. I would be turning 14 in a few weeks.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Jeremiah asks me and I smile widely at him feeling the euphoria of him asking me.

"I really want you to come here Jere. I want to see you." I say to him hopeful, my smile faded as I watched Jeremiah's face change.

"I can't do that Allie. You know that." He says to me sadly, and I furrow my eyebrows. "Why not!" I say to him upset and he sighs.

"We're going on vacation." He says to me and I sigh.

That was the first time Jeremiah had ever lied to me. I found out through Conrad. I texted Conrad a few days later asking where they were going for vacation. But Conrad had no idea what I was talking about.


"Oh my gosh Belly, look at you looking like a snack. I told you, you would look good in that outfit. Doesn't she Jeremiah?" Taylor asks him and he laughs and nods his head.

Sometimes I wished I had a summer birthday like Belly. Having my birthday with all my best friends to celebrate with me. Instead all I got was classmates and my mom taking pictures of me every birthday.

"Hey Atlas, give me a hug." Taylor says as she looks over at me and opens her hands out for me to hug her. I hesitated but hugged her back.


"Okay so let me get this straight.. the two of you are both Debs? I have to be dreaming, you guys are not for real." Taylor says to us and Belly and I both nod our heads at her in Union.

"If never even seen you two in a dress, let alone a whole ballgown." Taylor says in disbelief and we both shrug.

"We should definitely wear this to the party. We are all going to look like hot ass bitches." Taylor says as she changes the topic and grabs the flower crowns from dinner.

After arriving at the party, we all pretty much went our separate ways.

Belly went with Cameron, Taylor went to find guys and I was just trying to blend in.

I decided to grab a solo cup and put a random mixed drink in it. I leaned against the wall in my mini skirt and crop top.

"If you're trying to blend in, it's not working. Last time I checked, you were still the most beautiful girl here." I hear Jeremiah say to me causing me to burry myself in my drink just so he doesn't see me blush.

It was honestly a mistake, because I ended up coughing too hard because of it.

He pats my back very concerned, but I shake my head and give him a thumbs up.

"Okay, but seriously, why are you alone?" He says to me and I shrug.

"Taylor went fuck knows, and Belly is with Cam. So.. that leaves me alone I guess." I say to him and laugh awkwardly.

He takes my drink from my hands and takes a sip before I could even react. He puts the drink back in my hand and nods his head.

"Just as I suspected, there's no alcohol in there." He says and chuckles. I look at him confused since I didn't believe him.

"It's fruit punch, but there's no punch." He says and I mentally face palm myself.

"It's okay, at least you can act normal now. Come on, join me on the couch. I got a surprise for you." Jeremiah says as he grabs my free hand and pulls me to the living room couch.

I sit down finally willingly and watch as he pulls out a microphone and puts in the aux for it. I immediately smile knowing exactly what he was going to do.

It was my 12th birthday, Jeremiah and Conrad and Susannah came to the beach house for my birthday. My mom and I don't live in the beach house but we are a few houses down from it.

That thanksgiving I was obsessed with high school musical, and watching other musicals like Greece. We had a musical themed birthday party for me. Conrad and Jeremiah both hogged the karaoke mic, but I didn't mind. I loved Jeremiah's voice even though he was an okay singer, I just loved whenever he opened his mouth.

That was the year I knew this wasn't just a little kid crush that would go away once we grew up. This crush was more than that now. I was completely invested in him after that year.

When Jeremiah chose the Greece song, I couldn't help but feel he liked me back. That maybe just maybe that year meant something to him too.

Jeremiah sang in the mic while staring directly at me with his lovely smile. I couldn't help but to smile back, and make eye contact every 2 seconds.

Just as he was going to give the mic to me, Belly storms in and comes in the middle of us. I curse her out in my head for ruining my moment with Jeremiah.

How could she come in between us like this? Hasn't she known that he's been flirting with her all summer and yet as soon as Jere gives me attention she comes in between. Reminding Jeremiah that Belly exists.

"Can we go. Like now. I can't stand to be here right now." Belly says pissed off. She then looks at Jere then at me and mouths a sorry to me. I shrug, and I get up from the couch.

"I'll drive you two." Jeremiah says as he grabs his Keyes from his pocket and starts heading to the door.

"Did something happen between you two yet?" She asks me with hopeful eyes and I sigh.

"Who knows." Is all I could say.

What Could I Do? - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now