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Jeremiah pov

I honestly had no idea what to think... the fact that Allie still played on my mind, or the fact that she allowed Miles to flirt with her for so long.

I couldn't tell if it was the drinks or my heart that was making me feel so hurt.

The party had ended at around 2am, Belly, Allie, Steven and I all walked back to our hotel. Well, I tried to get them to go to my dorm, but Allie insisted on going back to the hotel.

I don't think my RA would allow three underaged drunk teens in my dorm anyways.

My eyes are wide open as I'm just trapped in my own thoughts. I grab my phone from besides me, and look through my texts with Conrad.

I contemplated telling Conrad what happened. How my teammate was flirting with Allie. How she was letting him, almost like entertaining his attention. I don't know what came over me that night, if I was jealous, or trying to protect my brother. All I know is that I wasn't thinking... I didn't think of my consequences for the next day.

When I opened my eyes I had a smile Belly on my stomach.

"Finally awake Jere! Come on I'm starving!" Belly begins at attempting to pull me up. I moan not wanting to get up.

My head was hurting, and now my arm hurt a little because of this girl pulling me.

"Belly, let me sleep. My head hurts."

"Nope, it's almost noon. Get up Jeremiah! Don't make me get Steven!"

"Ugh, fine." Belly helps me up to my feet and I adjust my pants down a little. I was still in my football uniform.

"I can't believe I'm still wearing this."

"Yeah last night was so much fun."

"Remind me to never drink again."

"Oh come on Jere, you and I both know you love to drink."

I couldn't help but to smile, Belly knew me too well. I let my mind get the best of me and I decided to lunge at her and tackle her to the bed.

She lets out a little squeal and giggles. Our faces were inches away from each other, a smirk appears across my face while a small blush seemed to creep on her face. Her smile was shy, I looked into her eyes.


"Don't talk Belly."

Her brown eyes were so beautiful, the little specks of black or different shades of brown made them even more attractive. They were almost as beautiful as-

No Jere, don't think about Allie. She's with your brother. You are literally on top of Belly, with her straight almost wavy hair just like Al- fuck.

Before anything else could happen, I quickly get off her.


"Don't be."

"I should go get changed..." I walk out the door shutting it behind me.

I put my head down as I realize how badly I had fumbled.

I couldn't be with Belly, not while my mind still thought of her. My brother girlfriend... my Allie.

I head out the hotel to walk to my dorm, and I finally check my phone.

To my surprise I had a lot of texts from both Allie and Conrad.

I glanced and scrolled through the thousands of texts, and I saw that Allie had messaged me recently.

I decided to call her, within the first ring she picks up.


"What? Allie, what's wrong?"




"What? Why?"


"I didn't.. I didn't tell him anything, Allie are you okay!"

"He told me you messaged him last night." I could barely understand her as she was in between sobs.

I quickly scroll up through Conrad and I'd text and sure enough... the text that would get me in trouble was there.

"Fuck Allie, I'm sorry. I was drunk.. I-i."

"Yeah well, you just costed me my fucking relationship. Fuck you."

"Allie, please. Let me talk to him, maybe I can change his mind."

"Just leave it Jeremiah. I'm done with you, you just don't want me to be happy."

"What Allie? How can you say that? All I want is for you to be happy. What the fuck."

"No you don't. If you cared about me you would have left my relationship alone. You just couldn't leave us alone. You had to show up for thanksgiving and.. and.. remind me of you."

"Allie, please let me talk to him. I can fix this."

"You don't get it Jeremiah..." her voice started to sound more calm and stern.

"Don't get what?"

"You don't get it Jeremiah. How could you be this clueless."

"Allie, tell me what's wrong. I can fix this, just tell me what you want."

"Goodbye Jeremiah."


The call ended before I could say something else. I sighed out of frustration. My eyes became blood shot from crying even though I didn't know I had been crying.

I slowly walked over to my dorm, not caring people could see me in my uniform with my messy hair and blood shot eyes.

Allie and her mom left early that day, while Belly and Steven would leave now.

"Thanks for the game man. We'll be sure to go to more games. In the future." Steven says as he gives me a side hug and I nodded my head. Doing my best to not be distracted because of Allie.

"Jere, can I talk to you..."

"Uh, yeah why?"

She drags me over to the corner of the hotel.

"What's up with you today."

"Nothing up. Sad to see you guys go. It's going to be so boring without you guys around."

"We'll be back before you know it." Belly smiles and I laugh.

"Conrad's single now..."

"He is?"

I nodded my head.

"Wait, Allie broke up with him?"

I shake my head at her, "other way around."

"What? Is that why she left early? Oh my god... I feel like such a terrible friend. Oh my gosh... I have to check up on her. When did this happen?"


"Wow, have you spoke to Conrad about why he broke up with her?"

I shake my head lying. I didn't want Belly to know about the mess I had made. That I was the reason why they broke up. I knew I was to blame, but I didn't want to face the consequences. Not now.

"He just texted me, I haven't replied back yet."

"You could talk to him now, see what happened. You know? I'm going to call Allie when I get home."

"Belly! We're leaving!" We heard Laurel in the distance, Belly looks up at me and we make eye contact.

She pulls me into a hug holding me tight. I hug her back, not realizing how much I needed that hug. I still couldn't help but to wish it was Allie who was hugging me.

What had I done...

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