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My mom bought her and I a football jersey with Jeremiah's last name on the back. They costed a lot of money, but it was worth it to my mom.

Today was the big game, Saturday night football. Even though this probably wouldn't be on ESPN it would most likely be on something like the local news channel.

But it still was Jeremiah's big depute. I took a picture of the stadium and sent it to Conrad and Cameron.

Conrad was able to find the game with his league pass and Cameron just wished Jeremiah luck.

The stadium was packed about 3 times more busy than yesterday. There were fans from both sides, and of course Jeremiah was able to get us front row seats to be able to see the game up close. My mom was entirely grateful for that because she's always wanted to sit close to the game.

Both teams were getting ready since the game would be starting in a few minutes.

I sat in the middle of Belly and Steven. While the moms sat more closer to the edges since they said that having kids really changes your blather.

Finally the game had started and Finch had the ball first. "Woohoo, go Jeremiah! You got this!" Steven yells out to Jeremiah.

Belly and I laugh as Steven and the moms cheer for Jere.

"I think he'll do good." I say to Belly and she nods her head.

"I'll be honest, I don't know much about football, so you might have to tell me what's happening." We both laugh as she says that and I nodded my head.

Jeremiah was good, he was already doing 10 times better than yesterday. I was so proud of him but so was everyone else.

The defense was doing way better today as well, and his teammates seemed to respect him more than before.

The tight ends were actually protecting him when the other team would blitz. Jeremiah also didn't always stay in the pocket like the main quarterback did.

I took a video of Jeremiah throwing the ball to the receiver and he almost ran it all the way to the end zone.

I sent the video to Cameron and in the video you could hear all of us cheering for the team.

I then got a text from Conrad saying how good Jere was doing. I replied back with "I miss you, but yeah he's doing so good." He liked the message and didn't reply.

Once the game finished Jeremiah and his team won by 7 points. We ran over to him and instead of him locking eyes with Belly like yesterday he saw me instead.

He ran over to me and pulled me in for a very strong hug. I smiled as we hugged, but he didn't pick me up like he did to Belly.

We let go of the hug and he ruffles my hair, "you know, if you wanted my jersey. All you had to do was ask." He says to me and winks, I blush and play with my arm as I looked away.

He then goes to lift up his shirt, and I immediately put his shirt down, "no thanks.. I don't want a sweaty jersey." I say to him and laugh.

"I'll take it off your hands Jere." Some random sorority girl says to him as she moves me out of the way so she could get closer to him.

"Uh, as much as I'd love to Claire, coach told us that if we gave any of our jerseys away, he would make us pay for another one." He says and that causes Belly and I to laugh. He basically just rejected her, she just rolled his eyes.

"You're going to the after party tonight right? You know your frat always throws the best parties." Claire says to Jeremiah as she bats her eyelashes.

He shrugs, "of course we will be there. Claire right? My name is Steven, I go to Princeton University." Steven butts into the conversation, and I mentally rolled my eyes.

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