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A few days pass, and safe to say. Conrad forgot about my birthday. I didn't bother to tell him, he also has no idea that Jeremiah Fisher is staying at my house for the break.

I still put top priority for Conrad, which is why I think he hasn't suspected anything. I just didn't want him to get stressed out about Jeremiah with me. Even though there was nothing between us.

I was enjoying Jeremiah's company though. It felt like old times when we used to spend everyday together during the summer.

Even though I spent majority of my life romanticizing Jeremiah. We still had a fair share of innocent best friend fun. Which is what I loved about Jere.

In the day time I spent time with Jere, while at night I would text and call Conrad. It was perfect, I had my best friend and my boyfriend. The two never really conflicted for the week. Jeremiah would want to talk longer at night sometimes, but Conrad would always call me so I wouldn't be able to stay.

I woke up, and smiled to myself. Today was thanksgiving, Cameron invited my mom, Jeremiah and I to spend thanksgiving with him and his mom. We all agreed, to go to his house around 5pm.

It was currently 10am, so we had a lot of time until then. I got out of bed slowly, and before I could do anything else I heard a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" I heard the familiar voice of my best friend Jeremiah.

I panic and start to scramble on some day clothes not wanting him to open the door. "Uh, just a second. I'm changing." I say to Jeremiah who was on the other side of the door.

Within a few seconds I then open the door and smile at him. He looks down at me and smiles back. "Goodmorning Kitty" he says as he scrunches his face at me. Jeremiah barely called me kitty or kitten anymore. In fact, he hadn't called me that since we were kids.

He randomly started calling me kitty or kitten because he was too lazy to say Allie cat. It was something only he did, because everyone else just called me Allie or Allie cat if they wanted to be cute with me.

Also kitty was just something Jeremiah would call me, he's called me kitten a bunch of times and it was always just something he called me. It was as if he claimed that nickname to call me and everyone just went with it.

"Morning Jere." I say to him and laugh. He comes into my room and belly flops onto my bed making a big thud. "Make yourself comfortable I guess." I say to him and laugh as I sit on the edge of the bed.

He puts his arm up to support his head and smiles at me. "Do we have to have thanksgiving with Cam Cameron and his mom? Can't it just be us three? Or go to Brandon Homers thanksgiving party? You know he always throws the best ones." Jeremiah says as he gives me puppy dog eyes.

I look at him weirdly. "Brandon Homers? You mean the guy who graduated high school the same as you. Which means he's off to college." I say to him and roll my eyes.

"Brandon and I are like tight Allie. I know for a fact he's throwing a party tonight because I saw his Instagram story. He's conveniently put the address to his house too so. Please!" Jeremiah pleads to me and I throw my head back and sigh.

"No, Jeremiah. What am I going to tell Conrad? He would be so worried about me. Plus we already promised Cam and his mom we are going." I say to him sternly.

"So.. ask him if he wants to go too! Simple as that, come on. I haven't been to a party in months." He says to me still whining.

"Fine. I'll ask him at the dinner. If he says no then we aren't going." I say to him and his face lights up and he smiles at me. "Deal."

What Could I Do? - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now