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Atlas pov

I still couldn't believe that my mom didn't care to run by me that Jeremiah fucking Fisher would be staying for thanksgiving.

Not even like he's just dropped by for a day, he's came for a whole week! 7 days! I know she probably thinks this is a lovely surprise and honestly been my birthday wish for 6 years, but I'm not 12 anymore.

All I can think about is what I'm going to tell Conrad. Maybe I wouldn't tell him, unless Jeremiah already did. Maybe this was why Conrad didn't really talk to me today. Because he knew his brother, my old crush.. was coming to spend the week with my mom and I.

When I was 14, that year I was very focused on wishing Jeremiah would come to visit me. It was the year Jeremiah got his drivers license.

I remember being in the backseat of the car with Jeremiah and Susannah. She was teaching him how to drive. Jeremiah had just passed his drivers written test which allowed him to get his permit.

That summer I spent time with Jere and Susannah. It was a bunch of fun, Jere almost crashed into a pole trying to turn into the muffin shop. Beck and I were scared shitless, my life flashed before my eyes. Jeremiah always knew we would look back at this and laugh. He was right.. the memory turned bitter sweet as it was funny, but also one of my favorite moments to think back on with Beck.

I swear every time I came with Jeremiah and Susannah I would catch Jeremiah looking back at me through his rear view window. I could never tell though. I would quickly look away as soon as we locked eyes.

A blush would creep into my face, and I would just smile dumbly out the window. Jeremiah passed his test by the end of summer.

That year I would be turning 15. I remember asking Belly to wish that Jeremiah would surprise me for my birthday. Just him, nobody else. I would ask her this every year. Even year I would get the same response. "I'll think about it." After that year I stopped, because this year felt different.

Just like every year, I felt like it was my year to get Jeremiah Fisher to fall in love with me. To finally see me the way I see him, not just as the youngest girl of the group or his best friend. I wanted him to see me, to see me more than a friend.

But he never did.

I spent my whole birthday getting myself ready and looking cute. Because something inside of me was telling me that this was the year. This is the year. I remember how embarrassed I was when I asked my mom if Jeremiah was coming and she had no idea what I was talking about.

The dinner fell silent at first. Nobody dared to say a word, this aggravated my mom. "Ugh, why are you being so quiet! You have been begging for Jeremiah to come alone for your birthday. And now it's like you suddenly don't want him here! I thought this would make you happy my love. You've been just so depressed lately. I thought seeing your best friend Jere would help you." My mom says innocently.

Sometimes I can't tell if she knew my crush on Jeremiah. If Susannah could see it, shouldn't my mom be able to too?

"I'm just not hungry.." I say bitterly as I push my plate away completely ignoring what she said about Jere.

"Maybe I should go.. this was a mistake coming here." Jeremiah says as he gets up from his seat but my mom quickly puts him back down.

"Non-sense, your mother told me to watch over you and Conrad. That is exactly what I will do, so sit down and tell Allie and I about college." My mom says sternly as she sends daggers at Jeremiah.

He quickly takes a seat and picks at his food.

"It's pretty good honestly. I joined the football team, and I got backup QB. I know it's not starter, but considering I'm a freshman I would say that's pretty good." He says as he starts to smile.

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