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Conrad and I walked back to the car with me clinging onto his arm and him smiling down at me. Belly and Jeremiah packed all of Conrad's stuff in the trunk. They were waiting for us.

"Ready to go guys." Conrad says as I stayed clung to him smiling as Jeremiah and Belly looked at us confused. Jeremiah kept his eyes on my arms around Conrad's one arm.

"What's all this?" Jeremiah says as he doesn't keep his eyes off how clung I am.

"Oh, well while you two were making out Allie and I were relived because we didn't have to keep this a secret anymore." Conrad says as he leans down to kiss me. I blushed once he let go of the kiss.

Jeremiah looked furious, while Belly continued to look confused.

"He was your secret boyfriend? You were talking about at the party?" Belly asks me and I nodded my head hesitantly but I knew there was no backing out now.

We all piled into the car, this time Jeremiah forced me to sit in the front with him so Belly and Conrad was in the back.

Conrad tried to get me to be in the back, but also a part of me wanted to be in the front with Jeremiah.

It pained me to see him and Belly kiss, but it also pained me to be lying to them.

2 years ago if Belly saw me kiss Conrad, she would never speak to me again. Just like if I saw her kissing Jeremiah 2 years ago.

But here we are, kissing each others boys we called dibs on.


Jeremiah p.o.v

I could remember like it was yesterday, almost having my first kiss with Allie. We were playing at the beach. That summer we were the closest as can be.

I remember feeling such a rush when I was with her. We chased each other through the sand. She would try to tackle me but I could always pick her up with ease before she could push me down.

Often times she would land on me, and we would have this moment that would always make me feel butterflies in my stomach. She had this weird effect on me.

This time I purposely made us fall to the ground so she could land on top of me.

I always wanted my first kiss to be with Allie. She was the first girl I ever wanted to kiss. She was my first real crush.

She looked into my eyes for a split second before looking away from me. I felt like this was our moment, my moment to make my move.

With her on top of my chest, hearing the two of us inhaling and exhaling. It was exciting. She got off me and sat next to me as I sat up.

I looked down at her lips and then back up to see her doing the same thing.

I felt a rush of energy flow through me as I just let my heart do the work. The both of us leaned in, but something or someone startled us.

"Ew! We're you two about to kiss? I'm telling!!" Steven says as he runs off to go tell one of the moms. I quickly bolted after him not wanting anyone to know about my crush on Allie.

As a kid, I just didn't want to get in trouble for trying to kiss someone. I didn't even think or consider Allie's feelings in that moment and just leaving like that.

Allie was always the shy quiet girl almost like how quiet cats are. That's how she got her nickname. She reminded us all like a cat, the way she could get away with anything and be so independent. She was the baby of the group.

What Could I Do? - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now