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A couple months passed and it's now getting close to Thanksgiving aka my birthday. Everything is moving swimmingly and Conrad even came to visit me for my dance recital.

My mom and him planned for him to sneak his way in the crowd and he had a poster for me. It was so sweet.

The teacher put me in front and center which meant I got to lead everyone in the dance. It was a lyrical dance that our teacher picked for us. It was a beautiful song about letting go of a toxic relationship.

"Do great everyone." My teacher said to us as we all got into position. I assumed my position in the front and looked down since we were all supposed to be looking at the same place.

I could briefly see the curtains go up and the music soon began to play.

The moment I looked up I could see my mom, and next to her was him. My Conrad sitting down next to my mom with a smile on his face once he saw me.

I smiled mentally, since we weren't supposed to be smiling in this dance. I couldn't help but to feel butterflies inside of me burst. This is why Conrad hadn't answered my text since the morning. He came all the way across the country to see me preform.

I always went full out in my recitals, but seeing Conrad there with my mom made me want to try even harder.

Once the dance finished, I could see Conrad and my mom both standing clapping. We all bowed, and the curtains closed.

I immediately ran down the stage after the performance and ran into Conrad's open arms. I squealed, and he picked me up and spun me around.

Once he set me down we shared a long passionate kiss since I hadn't kissed him since the beginning of August.

Long distance was harder than I thought it would be, but seeing him made it all worth it in the end.

He handed me daisies, my favorite flower as a child. He knew I used to love daisies, I'd point them out all the time when we were younger. I thanked him and kissed his cheek.

My mom hugged me and told me how good I did.

Conrad and I walked back to my moms car hand in hand. We stopped right before getting to her car, "I asked your mom for permission, but I wanted to take you somewhere special. If that's okay with you." Conrad says to me and I look at my mom who nods her head. I look back to Conrad and I smile. "I'd go anywhere with you." I said to him and he dragged me to his car.

We walked together until we reached Jeremiah's Jeep. "Isn't this.." I say to him and he nods his head.

"He let me borrow it." He says as he opens the door for me and I went inside his car.

It smelt the exact same from months ago. Memories tried to flood their way in my head, but I resisted them. I was not going to let these memories ruin my night with Conrad. I had no idea how long he was staying, so I wanted to spend as much as I could with him.

We drove in silence until we reached a dock. Vaguely familiar dock.

"Atlas, I can't make it to thanksgiving or your birthday this year. I'm so sorry, I got into the study abroad program that I wanted. And-" I cut him off, I didn't want him to feel bad for wanting to advance his career.

"Conrad, it's okay. I understand. There's always next year right? And Christmas. At least you're here now." I say to him sadly and his sadness stayed.

"Allie.. I'll be gone for the rest of the year.. I understand if you want to take a break. I know 3 hour difference is hard enough." He says sadly to me but I shake my head at him.

What Could I Do? - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now