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Conrad pov

Earlier that day


I woke up an hour early since I knew that Allie would be spending thanksgiving with her mom and Cams mom. I smiled at the text when I told her happy thanksgiving and happy late birthday.

I must have gotten the dates mixed up, I didn't even realize her birthday passed. I knew it did because I always remembered it by thanksgiving.

I hadn't texted Jere in awhile, honestly since I started my term in Australia. I also applied to stay another year during my exchange program. I just felt like everything was flying so fast already, I knew one year wouldn't be enough.

I wouldn't be mad if I didn't get it, then it just meant I would get to see Allie sooner.

After Allie stopped replying to me I decided it was time for me to get ready for class.

It was Friday now, and so I only had one class to go to today. My math class, it was an okay class to go to. It was fun because the whole class we just did group work and taught each other the lectures.

The professor was a 10 year professor, so they decided to test their 10 years and just not teach anything at all. Which we were honestly fine with, the people who weren't just dropped the class and the teacher wouldn't penalize them for it.

That's where I met Tammy. She first went up to me and told me that I was hot for an American and that she would never say that again because she was dared to say that by her friends. That's when she told me that she was lesbian and she ended up liking my vibe.

Once I got to my math class I sat down next to Tammy and her friends. They all giggled once they saw me and my phone flashed showing it was time for class.

"Ooo, who's this on your phone Conrads." Tammy says as she grabs my phone from my desk. It was a picture of Allie and I kissing right before I left to Australia.

I blushed as her and her friends looked at the screen.

"Is this your girlfriend? She's so pretty." One of Tammy's friends say and Tammy laughs.
"And she's very straight." Tammy adds as she laughs and hands me my phone back. I chuckle, "yeah, she's mine and I'm so lucky." I say as I look down at my phone and smile.

I missed her more than anything, and I so desperately wanted to talk to her but I was just so busy, and I didn't want to bother her.

I couldn't help but to think of her. I wished she was here, but it also felt like a brief feeling of fresh air once I moved to Australia. I felt like this gave me time to think about my relationship and think about my future. America was too suffocating for me especially since my moms death.

"Earth to Connie." I hear Tammy say as she snaps me out of my trance.

"Hmm?" I say as I got back into reality.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to study tonight, for the test next week." She says smiling at me and I shrug. "Sure, why not." I say and we all start to talk about our plan to study for the test.


Tammy and I posed for the camera as I gave her a awkward side hug and we both smiled.

She looked back at the picture, "ah, this is definitely a keeper. I'm putting this on the gram." She says as she posts the picture without even asking me.

"Wha- wait!" I say to her as I try to grab her phone and I roll my eyes.

"Calm down drama queen, I tagged you. You should see it soon. Oh! There!" She says and points to my phone as it went off.

I quickly check the picture and I immediately cringe at the caption. "That caption.." I say to her looking at her upset. She puts her hands up in defense, "hey, relax lover boy, it's just an inside joke. Your girl can handle it can't she?" She asks me and just something about that tone. I just didn't like.

"Can you please change the caption? It's only funny between us. Nobody else, especially not to my girlfriend when she sees this. You know that she's logged into my account right? So she probably just got notified the same time I got notified." I say to her as I roll my eyes and give her attitude.

"Okay, seriously. Connie, calm down, it was just a joke. She shouldn't be so insecure also, I'm sure she doesn't care. Let it go Conrad." She says to me and it only pisses me off more.

"You know what. I'm just gonna go. I'll figure out the test on my own... like I always do." I say to her and I grab my things to leave.

"Okay, don't you think you're overreacting just a little Conrad? I mean, you don't even know if she reacted in a bad way!  She could be laughing this off right now." She says to me and I go to check Allie and I's messages and of course she just left me on open.

"I gotta go." I say trying not to get pissed off. I leave in a hurry and I get back to my dorm.

By the time I got to my dorm, Jeremiah started calling me. I had no idea why he was calling me right now, all I wanted to figure out is if Allie was okay. I wondered if she saw the Instagram post, and I was thinking of all the ways to not make this sus.

Jeremiah kept calling me until I finally answered.  Once I answered the call my heart was shattered. I found out that not only did Allie find out about the post, but she reacted way darker than I thought she would.

I didn't know what to think, I wasn't even that upset anymore at the fact that Jere and my Allie were living under the same house for a week and I didn't even know it.

I wanted nothing else but to be next to her. Be the one in the car with her not Jeremiah. He wasn't supposed to be there, I was. I was supposed to be her night and shining armor.

Jere hung up and I stayed silent in disbelief. I couldn't believe Jeremiah's last comment before hanging up.

Without thinking I started to spam Allie with texts so she would be able to read them once she woke up.

I couldn't help but to think of how much of a fuck up I was. I explained in text how Tammy was lesbian and how we had this inside joke since she was dared to go up and tell me I was hot for an American. I hoped she would laugh at that in the morning.

I prayed that she got home safely and I decided to stay by the phone the whole night to make sure I didn't miss the call from Allie. That girl meant everything to me, and I see now that female friends, straight or not. Are always trying to break up a happy relationship.

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