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Belly and Taylor went to Nicoles yacht while Jeremiah convinced me to go to a party with him and the boys.

He always knew how to convince me. I hate the way he made me feel, the way I could never truly get over him. We just have too many memories together for me to forget how I feel about him.

All that surrounded me was heart particles when I was around him. He made me feel electric.

Jeremiah hadn't stopped holding my hand since we got to the party. He stayed by my side the whole night. It was times like this when I felt like we were the only ones here together.

Conrad and Steven both disappeared into the night and so it truly was just Jeremiah and I alone together. Including all the drunk teens that waltzed around the lighten up house.

Jeremiah and I sat on the couch together still hand in hand. My whole arm felt numb. Neither of us could move our connected hands.

"I like this." Jeremiah says to me as he looks down at our hands. I nervously laugh at his reply.

"Doesn't part of you wish I was Belly?" I ask him immediately regretting my decision.

He then looks me in the eyes and I move my head away so I'm not looking at him anymore.

"If I wanted Belly here, don't you think I would of asked her instead?" He says to me and I felt calm. I couldn't help but smile at his comment.

He was right, he asked me, he singled me out to go with him. Not Belly. It was me who was supposed to be holding his hand not her.

"So, what did you and Belly talk about last night. I heard you two go into your rooms pretty late last night." I say to him trying to find out if he likes her or not.

He shrugged, "I mean we kissed. If that's what you're asking." He says to me, and my eyes go wide and I slip out of Jeremiah's hand.

"Oh that's cool." Is all I could say to him and I grab my phone with the hand that was holding his hand.

"Are you okay Atlas?" He asks me and I shrug and give a forced smile slightly shaking x

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be? My two best friends kissing. Not weird at all." I say to him and give him an airy laugh.

"I kiss a lot of people Allie, it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure she doesn't even see me like that." He says and that's when I knew I had to put my pride to the side.

"Jere, don't be silly. She would be an idiot not to see you the way you see her. You're our sunshine boy, you could make anyone fall in love with you." I say to him and smile.

"Not everyone." He says as he looks down at his empty hand that was freed from my grasp.

Before he could say anything else, he gets a call from Belly.

"Belly? Okay. I'm coming. Come on Allie, we gotta go pick up the girls." Jeremiah says as he hangs up the call and grabs my hand again to help guide me to the front door.


Belly sat in the back and Taylor sat in Conrad's car. Apparently Nicole took Taylor and Belly's clothes because of a text Conrad sent to Belly about the ball.

I remember how happy Belly was that Conrad was taking her. But earlier today she found out his mom was the reason behind this.

I knew Belly didn't want to go to the ball with him anymore. I knew who would though, even though sunshine boy hated these events. He still wanted to be with the Bell.


Later that night I went to the dock again, I just knew Belly would ask Jeremiah to the ball. Why wouldn't she, she likes him and he likes her. It was as simple as that. I would have no date to the ball and embarrass myself in front of everyone.

"Thinking again?" Conrad asks me as he crosses his arms at me and gives a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess. I have no date to the ball. Just thinking about how much of a loser I'd look without one." I say to him and he shakes his head at me.

"Hey, you're not a loser Allie. You're far from it. I could go with you if you wanted. I still remember all the moves." He says and smile at me.

"Yeah no thanks, I don't want Nicole doing to me what she did to Belly." I say to him and we both laugh.

"You don't have to worry about Nicole, she's out of the picture." He says and sighs.

"Shouldn't you be saying that to Belly?" I say to him and he shrugs.

"I want to take the better girl to the ball." He says to me as he looks at me and winks.

The way he looked at me gave me a sensation I never felt before for Conrad.

Would it be wrong of me to say yes? Even though he is Belly's guy. Would I be allowed to?

But before I could even think fully in my head I already told him yes.

I Atlas Johnson was going to the ball with Conrad Fisher. My best friends crush since we could even remember.

Conrad and I stayed how we were for a few minutes until the both of us turned to face each other.

"We could match if you want." He says to me and I shake my head.

"It's okay, you can just wear what you want. I don't mind." I say to him and he smiles.

"Hey, this might be a weird question, but have you ever kissed someone before?" He asks me and I freeze.

Why was he asking me this question? Of all people Conrad was the one who asked me this.

I always imagined my first kiss being Jeremiah, I never even considered Conrad. He was always Belly's guy. Off limits, but here I am. Standing face to face with Conrad.

Both of the Fisher boys were attractive, extremely. But one was off limits and the other was my soulmate.

But maybe we had the soulmates thing wrong. Maybe Susannah knew Conrad and I were meant to be. Not Jeremiah and I.

I couldn't help but to think how different life would be if Belly and I swapped crushes. If I saw Conrad the way Belly did and vise versa.

Before I could speak Conrad kisses me. It was a soft but sweet kiss. His lips moved perfectly with mine. It wasn't exactly how I imagined my first kiss to be, but he wasn't even who I imagined my first kiss to be with.

He pulled away from the kiss and we were both left smiling.

"Not bad for your first kiss huh?" He asks me and I playfully hit him.

"I guess not." Is all I reply with.

What Could I Do? - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now