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We both met Jeremiah at Brown. We headed to Conrad's dorm which I was the only one who knew where it was.

"Oh yeah! Dorm tour please! I want to see everything." I giggle to Conrad as he flips his camera facing the front of his dorm. I was able to see what his outside door looked like and the number.

It was the beginning of the semester for him. I facetimed him because I was curious with what he was up to. That was when I found out that him and Belly were going to take things slowly.

I felt a pit of jealousy surround me when I found that out. At least they weren't dating. A part of me was glad they weren't dating.

Conrad and I FaceTimed a lot, up until he got the courage to finally text Belly. Once he started talking to her again, it was as if I was pushed to the side.

"Okay I'm still trying not to be jealous that you knew Conrad's dorm and Belly didn't." Jeremiah whisper to me as we face his door. I felt a blush creep on my face, and then Belly knocked on the open door.

We walked inside and there was no one there, but  the sight of his dorm looking the exact same made me smile. He hadn't changed, still the same old Conrad.

"Uh what are you guys doing in my room?" A guy behind us asks, who we assumed to be Conrad's roommate.

"Hey, I'm Jeremiah. Conrad's brother, we spoke on the phone earlier." He says to the guy. He looks at him and nods his head.
"This is Belly, and Atlas." Jeremiah introduces us to him, and he looks at me intently.

"Oh! You're that girl who always FaceTimes Conrad. Man, that first semester, I couldn't get that guy to shut up about you. I mean, in the beginning of the first semester he was all, Allie this, Allie that. Then by the end of it he started talking about Belly. Which is I assume you then. Nice to put a name to a face." The roommate says and we both awkwardly smile at him.

All I could think about is Conrad talking about me willingly.

Jeremiah puts his arm around me and gives the guy a fake laugh. The guy then puts his hands up in defense.

"Sorry man, I didn't know she was your girl." He replies and then Belly asked. "Where is Conrad? Have you seen him?"

"I haven't seen him since Thursday, but maybe the girl behind you knows." He says as he points to a college girl.

"All I remember is him talking about a beach house. He got a phone call that sounded pretty serious." The girl says but I couldn't really focus.

My mind was racing at the fact that Jeremiah put his arm around me. If I was 12 right now, I would be dying.

I felt myself move my head up to look at Jeremiah, I didn't know I was staring until he looked down and smiled at me. I immediately looked away from him, and I could hear Belly telling us that we should go.

Jere and I quickly followed behind her.


Once we got to Cousins beach, we made a pit stop at our favorite pie place. Belly got a blueberry pie, while I got a classic apple pie.

"Can't go wrong with apple pie." Jeremiah says as he hands me my pie, he suggested for me to stay in the car to make sure nobody does anything to it. I didn't mind it until I could see Belly and Jere get a little too comfortable.

I couldn't help but to feel jealous by the way he looked down at her. They looked perfect for each other.

Once we arrived to the beach house, it felt as if we never left. Just like every summer. It was home.

Jeremiah and I both went through the door while Belly stayed behind for a little. I didn't judge her for it though, I felt the same way seeing Jeremiah at the funeral.

Jeremiah grabbed my hand as we looked for Conrad. It didn't take long before we found him in the kitchen.

That's when he let go of my hand so he could go off on her big brother. "What the fuck man, you can't just go M.I.A on me man. We're family, you have to tell me. When I call you, you pick up. It's as simple as that. What are you even doing here?" Jeremiah asks his brother.

I stand awkwardly waiting for Conrad to give us the reason why he wasn't answering anyone.

"You should of let Allie call me. I would of answered." He confesses and Jeremiah looks over to me with a pissed off face. I just kept my head down.

"Why didn't you call him?" He asks me and I shrug. "I didn't think he would pick up.. he never answered my texts." I say to them and he sighs.

"Why did you leave Conrad." He repeats to him again this time more demanding.

"Their selling the house." Conrad finally folded.

"What do you mean they're selling the house? Who is?" Belly says as she looks at all of us just as confused as we are.

"Why is she here.." Conrad asks with hurt in his voice.

"She deserves to be here just like we do Conrad." Jeremiah defends Belly.

Conrad didn't like that reply, but let it go anyways.

"Aunt Julia is selling the house." Conrad says sadly and we all look at him in disbelief.

"There's got to be something we can do." I say to Conrad and look at everyone and Belly and Jeremiah nodded their heads.

"Well there's not. I'm still trying to figure everything out alright? Why don't you guys just get out of here and I'll figure this out on my own." Conrad says trying to push us away.

Jeremiah shakes his head, "no, are you kidding me? We aren't leaving. We love this house too Conrad. We're in this together whether you like it or not." Jeremiah says as he looks at him then looks over at Belly and I.

What Could I Do? - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now