Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?

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I went back home and after a few days I heard a loud knock on my door. I opened up to find Nathan smiling holding a bouquet of flowers."Hey friend" he said teasingly. I smiled and asked "what are you doing here friend?" using the same teasing tone he used. "Nothing. I'm just passing by, just checking on my friend who hasn't contacted me for a few days straight" he replied

I couldn't help but laugh at Nathan's teasing, it seemed like he had changed somewhat. His new self was less serious and more laid back than before.

"Oh? So the reason you came here was because I didn't contact you for a few days?" I teased back at Nathan.

I let him into my home and took the bouquet of flowers that he brought me. I was touched by his kind gesture and the flowers themselves were beautiful. I placed them in a vase and put it on my desk.

"Yes,yes.I missed my friend" he said

"I'm sure you did." I teased him again, I was already starting to enjoy his company more and more. Perhaps Nathan was someone that she could count on after all.

"So, what are you here for anyways?" I asked, she seemed to be enjoying their conversation.

Nathan looked around the room, maybe he wanted to stay in Ella's home for a bit? Perhaps... and maybe the two can have a cup of tea or something?

"I'm here because my friend hasn't given me a straightforward answer about her feelings and I'm just worried what I said has an effect on our friendship" he explained.

I couldn't help but giggle at his statement, maybe he was right and she needed to clarify things with him. I still wasn't ready to express my feelings yet but I needed to tell the truth...

"Nathan, it's true... I like you back, I really do. But I still need some time to process what just happened a few days ago."

"I mean, we've been enemies for quite a while now right? It might take me a while to adjust to the way things are now..." I sighed, she was worried about what Nathan would say to that.

"Yes. I completely understand but don't you think the person causing those changes should help you adjust to them?" He offered.

"Hm?" I had to think about what Nathan said, it made perfect sense but... how was he still giving her time to think? Even though he was right, I still couldn't give Nathan a proper response. "I guess... I suppose you're right." I sighed, maybe there was something else that she was feeling and that feeling was preventing her from fully trusting him. But she couldn't figure out what it was yet... she still needed some time. "Im sorry but give me...a week?" I asked, hoping that Nathan agreed.

"Yes. Of course, take as much time as you need. Just don't cut off contact with me, a few days passed and i already missed you so much" he said sadly.

I smiled at Nathan's request, he was so different than what she expected from a former enemy. He was so patient and understanding, it was so hard for me not to fall in love with him all over again.

"I promise, I won't cut off contact with you. In fact... I want to spend more time with you, get to know each other more." I looked at Nathan with a bright smile, she was happy that she met someone like him.

"Just give me some time... okay?" I asked.

"Yes, love" he said.

I blushed at his new nickname and hid my face with my hands.

"Don't do that" he said."I want to see that red cute blush on your cheeks" he continued.

He grabbed my hands and lowered them from my face which made me feel more shy and made my face a darker shade of red.

I turned even more red at the reminder of Nathan addressing her as "love" and when he took her hands to lower them. What was this feeling that she was feeling right now? Was it really love?

Nathan smiled at Ella's reaction, he liked seeing her turn red and even teased her about it. But that wasn't the only reason why he took Ella's hands, he wanted to make her feel safe and comfortable. And maybe... he wanted her to feel something else...

"Ella, what about you? How do you feel about me?" Nathan asked quietly.

I gulped when I heard his question, my heart raced as I thought about the answer. I didn't want to answer the question yet, but I couldn't keep on holding it in. I wanted the best possible outcome and to achieve that, I needed to tell Nathan how she truly felt.

"Well... I love you." I answered, I felt a few butterflies in my stomach when I said those words. But I felt lighter after finally coming out with the words. I felt so much more relaxed and relieved.

"You_you do?" Nathan stuttered quietly.

I nodded at his question, I didn't have any doubts in my heart. I finally said it, I finally told the truth. And I was glad to discover that he still liked her back as well.

"Yes, I do. I love you, and I don't want to deny it anymore." I continued, I couldn't wait to see what would happen now. I looked at Nathan with love in my eyes, all I wanted was for him to stay by my side forever.

As if he could read her mind, "I'll be by your side forever"he said.

My eyes widened when I heard his words, was he planning on staying by my side forever? Was my wish finally coming true?

Are you... asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked, I wanted to confirm what I had heard. But when I looked at Nathan, he already had a bright smile on his face and he couldn't stop grinning.

He nodded at my question and took out a ring box from his pocket.

My eyes widened in shock,"could this be true?" I mumbled quietly out loud.

"It is true" he said waiting patiently for her reply.

I still couldn't believe what what I was hearing, Nathan, my enemy was asking me out. I wanted to say yes immediately but I needed more time to think. Although, I couldn't deny how much I liked Nathan.

"I... yes. I want to be your girlfriend." I quickly replied, my words coming out more nervously than I intended."But I might need some time to heal from past events so I won't be so open to anything as I usually am" I continued.

But Nathan didn't mind, he knew that Ella needed more time. Plus, her words already made him happy.

Nathan was already preparing the ring but he waited for Ella to continue her words.

"I would love to be your girlfriend but you need to be more patient with me" I continued.

"Don't worry, I'll be patient with you." Nathan replied, he was glad that Ella agreed to be his girlfriend. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of their lives together.

"Here." He took out the ring and placed it on Ella's finger. The ring was a sign of their new relationship.

I looked down at my ring and smiled, I felt so happy and loved.

Nathan also couldn't help but smile at her reaction. They both wanted this relationship to last forever.

"Thank you" I mumbled. I gave him a tight hug and I felt like I never wanted to let go.

I held onto him, maybe this was the longest hug that I had ever given to anyone, my body was pressed against his body. I didn't know why, but I felt so close to him right now.

"I love you." I whispered, my lips were so close to his ear.

For once, I didn't want to hide what I wanted to express, and it felt like I needed to say it. Nathan was a changed man, and I needed him to know that I wanted to be with him.

Shocked at her confession, he smiled deeply, happy at how this day went. He sure as hell didn't expect to go back home with a new girlfriend.

I was also ecstatic, I never imagined me and Nathan would be able to become a couple. Their past relationship was so toxic and destructive but somehow, they were able to find love in the end. I still couldn't believe the day's events, it was something straight out of my dreams.

"I love you too." Nathan said easily, his tone was soft and gentle.

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