Breakfast in Heaven

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We got to the shop and it looked like actual pure heaven. I was in awe of the beautiful view. I couldn't believe my eyes as the sight in front of me was filled with beauty that I stood there for a few minutes admiring everything. Nathan finally snapped me out of my daze and led me over to what he calls his favourite seats in the shop which were a very romantic table with a gorgoues view and were

I was mesmerized by the serene atmosphere, and I couldn't wait to enjoy the best food the shop had to offer. Nathan was a true gentleman for taking them to his favorite place, and I was very thankful for that. They settled down at the table and patiently waited for the server to come and take their order.

"So what would u like to eat?" Nathan asked.

I took my time looking through the menu, there was so much to choose from that it was hard for me to decide. I took a moment to ask Nathan for advice, but I didn't want to bother him. So I had to decide for myself.

"Hmmm...I don't know actually, could you suggest me something?" I asked Nathan softly. I was eager to hear what Nathan's favorite food was at the breakfast shop, and I wanted to try it out for myself. I wanted to connect with Nathan on a deeper level, and this was the perfect way to do it.

"I love this meal,it literally has every breakfast thing you could possibly think of" Nathan replied.

I was intrigued by Nathan's description of "having every breakfast thing possible". I found myself very excited and eager to try out this breakfast meal, and I didn't even care about what was on it. I wanted to have this meal with Nathan, and that was all I cared about in that moment.

So with Nathan's approval and recommendation, I ordered the meal and then patiently waited for the food to arrive. Nathan went along with my decision and ordered the same meal for himself as well, he wanted to try out these different breakfast dishes again too.

They spent the time chatting about different topics while they were waiting for the food to arrive. Nathan was very open and honest about himself, he was happy to share any information about himself with Ella. Ella found out a lot about his childhood and even his family, it was a very meaningful conversation for her to gain that level of insight in his life. In return, Nathan asked Ella about her life, her family and ambitions. It was very refreshing for them to get to know each other on a deeper level, it made them feel closer to one another.

We grew increasingly more impatient and excited as we were waiting for the food to arrive. We already smelled the delicious fragrance coming from the kitchen, we were both starving.

When the food arrived, my eyes widened with glee, it looked absolutely delicious! Nathan had a wide grin on his face as well, he couldn't wait to dig in.

It smelled so godly that it made my mouth water just by the smell, but the sight was a whole different story. It looked amazing, presented in a professional method that made it look way more appealing.

Both Ella and Nathan picked up their cutlery at the same time and started to eat slowly, savoring every mouthful. It was the most delicious breakfast they have ever had, and they were glad that they decided to share this moment together.

Ella and Nathan were amazed by how good the food was, it was the most delicious breakfast they ever tasted. They looked at each other, each of them with a wide grin and a full belly. Ella realized that Nathan and her are so similar in many ways, their taste buds being one of them.

They both laughed and enjoyed their victory of the delicious meal they just had, and it wasn't long before the sun rose and the breakfast shop started to empty out. Ella and Nathan started to get ready to go home, both of them were feeling contented from their meal together.

Nathan walked Ella home and kissed her on the cheek when they reached the door.

"Sorry, beautiful. I have some work to do. I'll see you later though" he said sweetly.

I looked at him with puppy eyes and said"Will you stay the night?"

He smiled and nodded saying"of course,love"

Nathan turned around to leave but before he could I hugged him tightly from behind. He turned around and hugged me back saying "You don't have to steal my hugs from me. If you wanted a hug you could've just asked, love".

I blushed at his words. I was feeling a little playful, and I didn't want Nathan to go just yet. I wanted him to stay for a little while longer, especially after the delicious breakfast that they just had together. So I decided to use my best puppy dog eyes on him, hoping that he would be convinced to stay with me a little longer.

"Nathan, will you stay for a little bit?"

I spoke softly and with a sweet voice. Although my words were simple, I knew that the tone was perfect for making him stay. And it seems like my strategy almost worked.

He looked at me seeming almost convinced to stay but then he said
"Sorry, love, since I've been staying here a lot, I've missed tons of work so I need to keep up" he explained apologetically.

I gave him the strongest most wilful puppy eyed look I've ever done.

He almost cracked under my look but then he smiled gently saying" I'll take two  hours maximum and then I'll come straight here and we can do whatever you want. Watch a movie, cuddle, go out for food or cinema".

"Hmmm, that seems like a good solid offer" I stated.

"Yes, yes, it is" he replied. He seemed determined to convince me so he won't cause my sadness.

"Okay, I give you my permission to exit the vechile" I said teasingly.

He pulled me closer teasing me back.
"Except this isn't a vechile" he replied.

I smiled and he asked"Can I kiss you?"

I couldn't believe that he became my boyfriend and still asked me that question having great determination not to make me uncomfortable.

"Nathan, you're my boyfriend, you can kiss me whenever you want" I stated.

"I'm just scared you'll feel forced or uncomfortable" he explained.

"No, no, I would never feel that way.
As a matter of fact, I quite like kissing you" I said trying to brighten the vibe.

He smiled," oh, you do, don't you?" He pulled me closer and gave me a tiny peck on the lips. I moved closer to him wanting more, but he pulled away saying " you'll get your kiss when I come back, promise".

"Promise?" I asked again.

"Yes, promise, but no panicking" he replied.

"Okay, deal then" I said.
He left and i sat there reading a book trying to enjoy my time without him.

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