Is He a Cheater or a Husband?

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                      Nathan's pov:

After a few weeks, Ella slowly began to move on from her mother's death and return to her usual self.

I was so proud of her for getting through this and I was of course right by her whenever she needed me.

We've officially been together for almost two years. I couldn't believe how fast the years past. It feels like yesterday that I asked her to be my girlfriend.

I was planning to propose soon. I already had her ring ready, I was just waiting for the right moment.

                        Ella's pov:

I moved on from my mother's death surprisingly quite fast. I was so proud of myself and I was happy to have Nathan's help and support right by me when I needed him.

But something was extremely bothering me about him. I knew he'd never do something like that, but my overthinking always gets ahead of me saying that he's cheating on me with some girl.

He was going to a bar with some friends after it took him hours to convince me to let him go. It was the perfect time to figure out if he's cheating so I decided to follow him there.

"Promise you won't be late. Not after twelve please" I said worriedly.

"Yes, love, I'll be right on your doorstep at twelve sharp" he said kissing me goodbye.

I waited for about half an hour, until I was sure he got there, I left home.

                      Nathan's pov:

I knew Ella was planning on following me because I read the plan written on her notes app. I was browsing on her phone and without meaning to, I pressed on her notes app and caught her plan red handed.
So I planned to flirt with the bartender to make her jealous as a joke.

When I got to the bar, I sat down at my friend's table and we caught up on various topics, each of us telling the other where we are in our lives.

I saw Ella from the back of my eye entering the shop. I'm not going to lie, she did a good job on her disguise. She looked like those skinny guys that come to the bar to have their casual every Friday drink.

I was planning to flirt with with the bartender just to make her jealous and show her that I'll never ever cheat. I can't believe she doesn't trust me enough and thinks I might cheat.

After about half an hour, I walk over to the bartender that's taking care of the bar Ella's sitting on. I start to grimace as I begin forcefully obviously flirting with her.
She smiles and flirts back and i feel disgusted at how easy you can get in a girl's pants nowadays.

Ella must have been listening into our flirtatious conversation because she slowly gets up and leaves the bar sadly. I can't believe she didn't throw a fit and confront me.

After an hour or so, I'm able to get away from my friends and head home.

When I get home, I find Ella laying on the couch almost asleep. She looks up at me tears noticeable in her eyes and says "Remember how you said if im sad and want to be alone, you can leave me alone. Can you do that now?"

"Yes, of course, love , but can I know the reason you're sad?" I ask.

"No, that won't be possible" she says.

"Oh" I mumble. "You'll call me back when you want me here, yeah?"

"Yes, if I do" she whispers.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Nothing" she replies.

I pack some clothes and kiss her on the cheek before heading out, but she does something that shocks me. She inches away from me when I do miss her, barely allowing my lips to touch her skin. That really stung me and i start to regret what I did in the first place.

I try to endure a few days without seeing Ella , but I can't. It seemed impossible. I tried giving her as much space as she wants, but I just wanted to tell her the truth and apologize.
I realised I really can't live without her, I wish I can spend the rest of my life with her, right by her side.

After a few hours, I can't take it anymore. I head to our apartment and knock loudly multiple times on the door. The door opens to a puffy eyed Ella that looks like she's been crying for days. I immediately regret what I've done and i feel bad because I've caused her so much pain.

I pull her into a tight suffocating hug right away. God, how I've missed her tiny body pressed against mine. I've missed her so much, it's unimaginable.

I quickly get on my knees and hold her hands with mine. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, love. I didn't know I'd put you in so much pain. I'm sorry I didn't come here earlier. Love, I knew about your plan all along and i decided to flirt with that woman to make you jealous. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, love. I just couldn't believe you'd suspect me of cheating. I literally love you to the moon and back and i realized through those few days alone that I actually can't love without you. Enduring those few days without you by my side was hell. You don't know how many times I've wanted to come running back into your arms apologetically. Please, forgive me, I beg you. I'd do anything for you to forgive me".

She looked so shocked at my words. "Anything" she asked.

"Yes, anything, my love" I replied.

"Kiss me" she commanded.

I wanted to do nothing else. I grabbed her waist and hoisted her into me real close. I kissed her hard and deep until we were both panting and out of breath.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered desperately.

She smiled and said " It's okay, my love, it's also kind of my faught for doubting you in the first place. I knew you wouldn't do something like that but I just had to make sure to calm my nerves".

"I understand, baby. God, I've missed you so much" I say carrying her bridal style in my arms towards the couch. That's when I realized I want to spend the rest of my existence with her and her only so I put her down and got on one knee, not to beg this time ,but to ask her to marry me and make me the happiest man on earth.

"Ella, my love, I love you so much that I don't want to spend one more mpment without you by my side. Having you by my side is what completes me. Please do me the honours of marrying me, becoming my wife and making me the happiest man on this universe. My heart already considers you my partner for life. Tell me you feel the same way and marry me, love. You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life. Let's spend the rest of our lives together. So what do you say? Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, of course, I want to spend my whole entire life with you.

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