Come here, love

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They sat down at the couch and cuddled watching a movie. Although this new relationship status was weird and new for them, they still enjoyed it deeply.

I couldn't believe my own mind, I was cuddling with Nathan. The person who used to make my life hell was now my boyfriend, and the only person who she cared about.

"Hey Nathan... can I say... something?" I asked, my voice was a bit shaky. I wasn't sure if I should say what was on my mind, but I felt like I needed to say it.

Nathan looked at Ella with curiosity and he nodded his head. Ella took a deep breath and continued to speak.

I was visibly nervous, I had something important that I wanted to say, but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I tried to think hard... but I still couldn't say anything.

"Ella, what's wrong?" Nathan asked, he was concerned about Ella and how nervous she was. It seemed like she wanted to say something important and Nathan was worried that her feelings were hurt.

"I..." I muttered softly, I wanted to say something about their relationship. But I had too many thoughts going in my head.

"Yes, love, go on" Nathan said patiently.

I was slightly shocked when he called me love for the first time since they started dating. It seemed like Nathan was trying to be the nice guy that he always was. I took a deep breath, I wanted to say something to him but my shyness still held me back.

"I... I..." I kept stuttering, it seemed like I couldn't finish her sentence. I felt bad for being so nervous in front of Nathan. But... she couldn't help it. I wanted to tell Nathan how much I loved him... but the words just weren't coming out.

"I love you" I blurted out for the second time today.

My eyes widened, was this what Nathan had been waiting to hear? I couldn't believe what I said, but it felt so good to say those words out loud.

"You love me?" Nathan asked, he wanted to make sure that Ella wasn't joking. Ella nodded at him in response, her face was blushing in response to Nathan'squestion.

"I love you too." Nathan added.

I wanted Nathan to know that these feelings were real and that I meant every word. She really did love him very deeply.

Ella and Nathan had been cuddling for the past few hours, the two were now officially together and in love. But after some time, their day-long date had to come to an end, Nathan still had his commitments and Ella had her training to do.

The two stood up to get ready for bed, they both wanted to prepare for tomorrow.

I was still blushing from the events of today, and it seemed like Nathan was too.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Ella said while smiling at Nathan, she wanted to continue spending time with him.

"You sure will" he said.

I smiled at his words and headed towards the bedroom. I felt so happy with how their relationship had evolved, I couldn't believe that me and Nathan were now in love. But I knew that this was the best thing that happened to the two of them, and I wanted to keep this going.

Nathan watched Ella as she walked out of the room, but he didn't want the day to end yet. His eyes followed her until she went out of sight, and Nathan sighed. He was already excited about tomorrow, and how their relationship would grow from there.

He followed Ella to her room as she lay on her bed and almost immediately started dozing off.

He didn't mind, in fact, he felt more comfortable in Ella's room than anywhere else.

Nathan took a seat on her bed, hoping that she wouldn't mind him joining her. He wanted to be close to Ella, and her bed was so comfortable anyways. Maybe... he could join her for now, just for this night. Nathan couldn't help but smile at his thoughts but, he couldn't voice them because he was scared Ella would think they were moving too fast.

"Come here" she said in a tired inviting tone.

I looked over at Nathan, my tone was inviting. I was tired after a long day but I wanted to have some comfort for tonight. I wanted to have him by my side so that I could fall asleep peacefully without nightmares.

"Gladly." Nathan smiled, he walked over to the bed and lay down besides Ella. Maybe... he could finally cuddle Ella to sleep like he always wanted to. But was Ella ready for it yet?

He was surprised when Ella hugged him and layed her head on his chest almost falling asleep.

"Goodnight,love" I mumbled quietly.

Ella's words caught Nathan off guard but he embraced her hug. Ella was laying her head on Nathan's chest, he felt so comfortable right now, and it felt like Ella was ready for something more. Maybe... they could try it tonight?

Nathan hugged her back, he was just so happy that Ella finally allowed him to be close to her. He could feel her breathing on his chest. She was already halfway asleep, but he continued to hold her close. Ella was in his arms, he was already content with this moment.

I was already sleeping soundly, but I was holding onto him like my life depended on it.

Nathan was starting to feel sleepy too but he still didn't want to let Ella go. He let his guard down and allowed her to fall asleep in his arms. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out...

But just knowing that Ella was with him, in his arms, made him feel so happy. He was content with this moment, he didn't want this night to end and he also couldn't wait for their relationship to get stronger.

He slowly drifted off to sleep, his love in his arms. But before losing his consciousness, he mumbled something.
"I love you, Ella."

Nathan held her tight, he didn't want this night to end and he wanted to take Ella with him into his dreams. He didn't know how long he would keep Ella in his arms... but he knew that he would do it for as long as he could. That he would hold Ella close to him, because he loved her.

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