Entry #1.

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(Reality #2: Stable.)

(Maybe this time it'll stay stable...)

Once upon a time, there was a Planet called Vegeta, it was destroyed around 110 years ago. A child was sent away in a last-ditch effort.

Once upon a time, there was a Planet called Cereal, its people were nearly eradicated 120 years ago. A child was sent away from the planet in a last-ditch effort.

Those were my grandparents. I'm Egplan, a Human-Saiyan-Cerealian halfbreed, at the age of 16.

My mom and I were left stranded on Earth shortly after my birth.

This is my story.

Blizz: Hey, Egghead, we've got a job to do, get your nose out of that book.

That was my boss, Blizz, a member of the same species as Frieza. I find him quite interesting.

Egplan: Sorry, Blizz!

I'm a pretty lean-built warrior if I must say. I forego battle armor, since if you're strong enough you don't need it. I've got a power level of a whopping 5,000! Impressed? I get it.

I've got green hair with purple highlights, and a naturally black left eye. My right eye is red, so to try and blend in I wear contacts. The only person who knows about it is Melonica.

I stood up and left my little area on our ship. It's decked out with posters from my favorite bands, books, and the comfiest bed money could buy.

Egplan: What's the job? Do we get to fight someone?

Lemme introduce you to the crew. We've got Blizz (Frieza Race PL: 5,000+), me(Saiyan/Cerealian PL: 5,000), Melonica(Earthling PL: 1,744), and Phi(Majin PL: 1,000). I'm mostly paired off with Phi though.

Blizz constantly stays in his first form, never revealing his true power. So, he tends to be pretty short and slender. He mostly wears clothes from Earth, jumpsuits mostly. He saved my life a few years ago when the Frieza force attacked Earth.

Phi is a pretty cute blue Majin. She's only been with us for a week or so, since the New Shikk incident. She styles her antennae like a ponytail, yet leaves two of them framing her face.

Melonica only came with us to make sure I was safe with Blizz. She's kind of my foster sister, haha. She's just a normal human, with brown hair, and blue eyes... she struggles to keep up with our power sometimes. She's more of our... emotional core.

Melonica: A mission to planet Cereal.

Egplan: R- Really!

Melonica: Yeah...

Blizz: The last living Cerealian, Granolah, has hired us to deal with a convoy of Frieza's soldiers. He's off on some kind of journey.

Egplan: Well, Phi, set course for Cereal!

Blizz: Stop acting like you're the captain.

Egplan: Sorry, I'm just so excited!

Blizz looked confused.

Egplan: B- Because we're gonna be fighting! That's all!

Melonica: You're always thinking about fights! Why can't you be normal for once and think about the money?! We're getting a lot for this job, and we can't mess this up because of your battle lust!

Egplan: Mel...

Phi started flying the plane towards Cereal at high speeds.

Melonica took me back to her room.

Melonica: I know how excited you are to meet another Cerealian, but nobody can know, not even him.

Egplan: But...

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now