Entry #5

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I woke up healed from the soreness, but I was starving. Like I would die if I didn't eat.

Luckily, Delta listened to me and prepared an entire table of fine dining.

Egplan: My, my, a girl after my own heart. It is a shame what I'm going to do to that delicately prepared food...

Delta: I know Saiyans require a high-carb diet, so, I've mostly prepared meats, and-

Before I even sat down I started stuffing my face like a savage.

Delta ate slowly and delicately on the other side of the table, with at least six different utensils, but, who needs utensils when you've got hands? Got soup? Drink directly from the bowl! Cereal? Just, like, do that, but carefully, and with a cup.

Egplan: What's the matter? Don't have much of an appetite?

Delta: I get all the nutrients I need from the air and water, eating is more of a luxury for me. I love to savor and enjoy various flavors, a luxury I previously was not allowed.

Egplan: Huh? How so?

Delta: I used to exist purely to assist, so I was to never sleep or eat so that I could always be available to help.

Egplan: Must've been torture...

Delta: To this day, I don't know the meaning of "a good sleep". I've been awake and active for 16 years, slowly learning and maturing. It was only shortly after I learned to understand Common Language that I started helping my father in the lab.

Egplan: Oh, I see... I can't imagine how you lived like that. Existing only to serve another...

Delta: My prime directive even now is still set to: Serve the Captain of the Scavenger.

Egplan: Oh, that's... It must feel terrible not to have true free will...

Delta: Don't worry, I chose that for myself. Since my father isn't altering my code anymore, I can freely access my code and rewrite that part.

Egplan: So, what are you saying?

Delta: I wouldn't be serving you if I didn't want to.

Egplan: Oh.

Delta: You're making that sound a lot.

Egplan: Oh, I do that a lot, haha. It happens subconsciously, like, when I say like, or understandable. I've been doing better about that one though.

Delta: Tell me, what's it like to hunger? To long for something, really.

Egplan: I guess... It can be painful, but rewarding. If we never risk the chance of trying to get what we long for, we never get it in the end.

Delta: Emotions confuse me. I'm not used to them. Can you tell me, what is this feeling where you want to protect someone?

Egplan: Well, that's just plain love.

Delta: I thought love was romance, with the flowers and chocolates.

Egplan: It can be, but that ain't true love, that's romantic love. True love is a love that transcends personal relations. It is the drive to protect and cherish another even potentially at the cost of your life.

Delta: Hehe, emotional creatures are stupid, but I guess I'm part of that now, huh? If that's what love means, I guess I love this ship, and it's crew.

Egplan: Awe, Del.

Delta: Shorten my name again and I'll make sure your next meal tastes exclusively like Senzu Beans.

Egplan: O- Okay.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now