The Last Entry

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(Reality is barely stable.)
(Just, keep going until it's too broken. This should be near it's loop anyway.)

Once we got to the throne room, Blizz was sitting on the floor in chains. Frigid was sitting on a throne, with his Cerealian Guard to his right.

Egplan: It's been a long time, Dad.

Oats was a lanky Cerealian, his skills were in Ki Control, Spirit Control, and sniping. He's not one for hand-to-hand.
Oats: It really has, my daughter.

I fired a blast right next to his head.

Egplan: I wasn't talking to you.

Blizz started laughing.

Blizz: So you finally say it to my face?

Egplan: Whatever.

Frigid: Phi-Phi, what's going on?

Literally, everyone except Frigid and Phi broke into laughter.

Phi: I've learned who I am and am not.

Frigid: And how do your friends tie into this?

Phi: I am a student of Egplan and a member of the Blizzard Force. I am not, the queen of an empire built on the suffering of millions!

Frigid: W- What are you saying?

Phi: Frigid, either one of us dies here today, or we're getting a divorce.

Blizz: Is it bad I kind of want Phi to die right now just so he learns how he made me feel? Anybody?

Frigid: Dear, that's not happening. Maybe you should've read the contract before signing it. Marrying into the royal family is permanent until death.

Phi: Well, then I guess I'm just gonna have to die.

Phi blew herself up, taking the entire palace with her.

Blizz: I take it back, this is worse.

Egplan: Phi!

All traces of her ki disappeared. 

Mel's power began to skyrocket. She had been working exclusively with Potential Unleashed, she never awakened the Super Saiyan inside her, until now.

Her hair turned bright white, and her eyes red.

Red lightning crackled around her as she rushed Frigid.

Phi came back.

Phi: Good thing you made that wish.

Egplan: You knew!?!

Phi: I'm a wonderful eavesdropper and spy, don't cha know?

Demiya: Wait, she was dead, how did she... Egplan, what did you do?

Egplan: Oh, y'know. I secretly found the Cerealian Dragon Balls and used them to give us retroactive immortality.

Demiya: Why not normal immortality?

Egplan: Have you seen what happens when someone wishes for immortality? Even if they get their wish, it somehow bites them in the ass. This wish allows us to keep the thrill of the fight that a Saiyan oh so desperately needs.

Oats shot my foot.

Oats: Clever girl. Why don't we take this away from their fight, huh? Have some "father-daughter bonding time".

Egplan: Demiya, free Blizz. Phi, fuse with me and Delta.

Demiya: Alright.

Demiya went to free Blizz from his chains, and I taught Phi the fusion dance.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now