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I can't believe she talked me into this... My name is Demiya.

My story begins six years ago when I met Master Blizz.

I was a young man on New Namek, a bit of an outcast considering I was the only Albino on New Namek. My family was quite accepting of my unique appearance, however, ostracizing it is.

I was sent out to get some water for the crops.

Demiya: Alright. I'll see how much water I can get from the spring today.

I was weak... But, as a Dragon Clan member, I excelled at Magic and Ki Control. Hand-to-hand or melee combat is my major weakness, so I used to lean into long-range attacks.

I had walked down the street, greeting my fellow clansmen with a bucket in hand.

When I came up to the river it was scorched.

Dragon Clansman: Sorry, Demiya. The water hasn't been flowing today.

Demiya: What happened?

Dragon Clansman: Some of the kids say they saw a pair of suspicious-looking offworlders go into the cave up north where the river flows from.

Demiya: But, that's sacred land! Nobody should be allowed to go into the tomb of Elder Guru!

Dragon Clansman: And nobody can, yet the children say they did. I can't exactly leave my post, so, check it out for me, okay?

Demiya: Yes, brother of the river.

He gave me a talisman, a one-time-use key to the cave shaped like a dragon's head.

I followed the River north towards its source, the Wellspring Canyon. More accurately, the cave on the other end of Wellspring Canyon. It was sealed off with a special charm that took the form of a giant boulder.

As I approached the cave, I felt a wave of dread spread over me.

The key started floating and opened the seal.

As the rock and boulder faded from the entrance the feeling only got worse.

Inside the cave was the Tomb of Elder Guru, an elder Namekian of old. He was the sole survivor of the climate shift on Namek, and the man who birthed the majority of living Namekian Dragon Clansmen.

He was an idol to every Dragon Clansman, so we treated his tomb with the utmost respect.

It was, as usual, a grandiose tomb filled with everything Guru loved. Which is mostly to say, the works of his 109 children.

But, things weren't right. I could tell everything was tainted by dark energy.

Demiya: Who dares to defile the Elder Namek's tomb?!

Towa: Mira, deal with the Namekian.

I was immediately blasted with a power Ki Wave that destroyed everything but my head.

Mira: I thought you warned them not to enter the cave.

Towa: I did, I guess someone was stupid enough to come in anyway.

As my head layed there, I played dead, delaying my regeneration and suppressing my Ki.

I saw the two. They were actual demons, I think. They both had blue skin, white hair, and pointy ears. They were dressed in red, and their power levels were astronomical, but I could tell one was vastly more powerful than the other.

Towa: Now, I think we have everything. 

Mira: What now?

Towa: Blow the planet up.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now