A taffy girl's hunger #2.

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She was still in control of my body and did something that I am too embarrassed to admit with Frigid. I was hoping it'd be with someone I actually liked, but it was... good. That's how I knew I needed to break free. I was starting to like what she was doing.

Frigid: Wow. Just, wow.

Phi: What?

Frigid: Your eyes. When they stare back at me, I feel... strange. What's the opposite of feeling good about your actions?

Phi: Feeling bad.

Frigid: Right, that. For some reason, I feel bad about what I did to my brother. Is that normal? I've never felt bad before.

Evil me, I swear to god, if you don't say yes.

Phi: I don't think so. You should get that fixed.

You enabler.

She chuckled and kissed his cheek.

Phi: I think I'll head out for a bit, I'm feeling hungry. Like, I need to eat a small planet of people hungry.

Frigid clapped his hands, and a few soldiers walked in.

Frigid: Get the lady a small planet's worth of people, asap!

Soldier: Yes, sir! We'll prepare the Shamoians.

Frigid: Good, I was getting bored of them anyway.

Phi: Oh, my, gods, master, can I please have your credit card?

Frigid: O- Okay, anything for you.

Sucker. I'm gonna run this card dry.- If that's even possible. Wait, why am I siding with you?- Because he's an abusive piece of shit to Blizzbitch.- Oh, you're right. Run that bastard's credit to the ground.

We went on a bit of a shopping spree, buying the most expensive jewelry we could find.

Phi: Where's your moral compass now?

We're fucking over the rich, Master Egplan always told me that was a wonderful thing to do, which is weird because she told me she was raised partially by a rich family after a certain point.- Yeah, fuck the rich! We're a thief anyway, might as well put our skills to good use. 

We bought a beautiful and overly elaborate dress, an expensive purse,

Wait, does this mean you're coming around to me?- No! I am going to take my body back, I swear!- At least let me have some fun every once in a while. It's so boring in there. I just wanna have some fun, eat some pervs, make some mischief, manipulate tyrants into being my sugar daddies, y'know, normal girl stuff.- ... I'll think about it.- Yeah, you're not getting your body back until you promise me that once we kill off Frigid we can get a new one.- That's not fair!- All's fair in love and sugar daddies.

She walked back to the palace, absolutely reeking of "my boyfriend just gave me his credit card with no restriction" energy and expensive perfume. On her way back, she stopped and bought a sucker.

She handed the card back to him.

Frigid: H- How much did you spend?

She started sucking on the sucker.

Phi: Dunno. Maybe, 80 million?

Frigid: C- Can you not do that next time?

Phi: I mean, I could also find another guy next time. Hmm. I wonder if your brother is anywhere near as rich.

Frigid: ... N- No limits. I get it.

Phi: Thanks, hun-bun. I'll have to make up for this ten-fold in bed tomorrow.

I could've sworn he almost fainted.

Now would be a perfect time to strike, but... I kind of like him.- Shocker. You slept with the guy.- I didn't mean it like that! I just...- He's literally Space Napolhitler Jr.- I hear you, and you make a good point. But, I can fix him.- We are so not that girl!- We will be that girl for just one guy, please?- NO! He abused our friend!- He's just a troubled soul, hurt by his own mutated power.- Bitch. Shut the fuck up. We are not trying to fix Space Napolhitler Jr.

I could feel my headache returning, and I was ejected from my own body. My power was reduced to what it was when I met Master Egplan.

PhiE: Oh, look who came out to play. Goodie two shoes.

Frigid: Love, what's happening?

PhiE: Don't worry about it, Hun-Bun.

I was suddenly encased in my own flesh, feeling like I was drowning in the other Phi's comparably infinite power.

I was stuck in this, endless blue cave. Assumably this is where the people I absorb go.

Such a bleak place... I can't believe that this is inside of me...


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