Delta's odyssey.

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My name is D-3176, or Delta.

I'm a bio-android made by the brilliant scientist Frict of the Heeter's Race after he gained the blueprints for Android 21, an advanced bio-android that was never activated but remained for years hidden in a secret second lab of Doctor Gero.

My DNA includes Earthling, Saiyan, Namekian, Majin, Frieza's Race, Heeter's Race, Cerealian, Core Person, and more.

Why?  I don't know. I don't understand why Father made me so. I was meant to assist his research and study, but he'd already understood everything in my genetic make-up perfectly.

When I was younger, and but a walking computer, I stumbled upon something in our basement.

It was a coffin, barely the size of a young girl. It was nailed shut. Next to it, was a larger coffin.

D-3176: Coffins, I wonder who for. Father never mentioned having any family.

There was a framed picture of Father, a woman, and a young girl who looked a lot like me.

Father rushed into the basement and dragged me out.

Father: You are not to go into the basement again, got it?

D-3176: Okay, father.

Father: Your software is not yet ready for that...

D-3176: I thought my software was your proudest achievement.

Father: It is, but you've still got to grow on your own, and... You need to learn about the true nature of life and death before you ever learn about the basement.

Years later, after he died I learned the reason why he wanted to keep me away from the stuff in the basement.

That was the first time I ever cried. In truth, I wasn't just suddenly programmed emotions. They were already there, just waiting for a catalyst to awaken them and bring them to the surface.

My father left me a recording, and I waited the day before Blizz's crew was supposed to arrive to fix a Hydro-Synth.

Father: Delta, my daughter... If you're hearing this, that means I've left you to go to the waiting room of my eternal fate. It's time you learned the truth. Twenty years ago, I had a wife and daughter. My wife... was a wonderful woman, and I wish you could've had her as a mother again.

In the recording, tears were streaming down his face.

Father: My daughter, Del... You're just like her. Down to your very bone structure, albeit with altered genetics, I even named you after her... It was a terrible accident, one of my inventions in search of infinite energy backfired... and it burned their bodies beyond medical intervention. I could never bring myself to use any dragon balls to revive them, after all... I caused their deaths. Even if they did, I would never forgive myself. So, I did what any sane scientist does after losing a child, I built an android replica that would be able to survive just about anything.

As I was listening to the recording, Blizz knocked on the door and came in.

Father: You're my proudest creation, Delta. Find yourself, and in the afterlife, we'll meet again. I'd love to see who you turn out to be someday. 

Blizz: The old man finally kicked the bucket, huh?

Delta: I...

Blizz: That's a shame. He was a good man.

Delta: Blizz...

Blizz: You remember me, that's good. Delta, I have a mission for you.

Delta: I'm not...

Blizz sat next to me and gave me a hug.

Blizz: Just let it continue a little bit, I actually helped film this.

Father: I know that you can't live on your own. Not out of any lack of independence, but that it would stunt your growth. You've been cooped up in the house for too long, I want you to go explore the universe, and make some friends... maybe get a lover if you're into that, I don't really care. I just want you to thrive, and grow beyond your current limits as a person. Growth is natural with time, it's only fair I'd try and nurture such a precious thing. How you grow basically defines who you are until you grow in another direction.

Blizz paused the tape.

Delta: Why'd you pause it?

Blizz simply laughed as tears went down his face.

Blizz: Because even when facing his own death he went and got all sentimental. I wish I was half the man he was.

Delta: What do you mean? You're an adventurer, he was a scientist. 

Blizz: One's profession doesn't determine their will, one's will determines where they end up. He had the will to keep going and hold on after he lost his wife and daughter, and somehow keep that same damn smile on his face.

Delta: It is pretty amazing... Sir Blizz, what do you do with such grief?

Blizz: That's up to you to decide. Everyone you ask would have their own answer, after all, emotions are the most subjective thing about the mind.

Delta: Such a tricky thing to have to learn...

Blizz: But, for now, until you can find your own answer, try and honor him in everything you do, every emotion you feel, every bond you make. That's what I do for Snow, and... I think I'm a better person than I was when I started. Her spirit... her legacy, has become my compass.

Delta: Who's Snow?

Blizz: Somebody that was quite dear to me.

Delta: How would I even begin to honor him..?

Blizz: Well, you could continue his research, and join my crew.

Delta: I...

Blizz: We could use you on our team, the ship hasn't run the same since I landed on Earth all those years ago.

Delta: Give me some time to pack up everything. I should be ready tomorrow...

I spent the night packing my stuff, and Father's research. I have yet to watch the rest of the tape.

In the morning I snuck onto the ship after they left to fix the Synth, and I stored all my stuff in the ship's basement.

And, the story goes how the story goes. 

Not really much left for me to write, but... Captain Egplan... she makes me feel safe. I wouldn't mind exploring my emotions by her side.

Father tried desperately to teach me what emotional bonds are, but I think I've finally learned.

Anyway, I've gotta keep some secrets, don't I? Toodleloo.

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