Entry #4.

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It's been a few days since Delta came on board.

I grabbed Delta, Phi, Demiya, and Mel, and assembled them in the bridge.

Egplan: Your Cap'n has a plan.

Demiya: Since when are you Captain?

Egplan: Uh, since Blizz was kidnapped? Get with the times, slug-boy. Speaking of, Phi, status report.

Phi: Blizz is still alive, but he's being used as a sparring partner by Frigid. He looks like he could barely hold on for a few more weeks.

Egplan: Great!

Everyone gave me weird looks.

Egplan: Not great, I mean, but that gives my plan an excuse besides the fact I'm a power-hungry bitch.

Phi: You know a way we could get more powerful fast!?!

Egplan: Well, yes. Back on Earth, there's a floating Lookout.

Mel: Oh hell no!

Mel started breathing heavily.

Egplan: Mel, please hold your objections till the end of the seminar. The Lookout, where my old mentor-

Mel: Mr. FUCKING Popo.

Egplan: We're going to be visiting him, we should use his proper title, Lord Mr. Popo. Now, there is a very important pecking order, but... when he's around, just consider yourself below the very ground you walk on.

Phi: Mel, why do you look distressed?

Mel: Second rule of Popo's training!

Demiya hugged Mel, and her breathing returned to normal.

Mel: Demiya, you...

Demiya: Hey, Captain, maybe we shouldn't.

Egplan: Don't worry, our interaction will be short. We're going only for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Phi: The Hyper-what?

Mel melted into Demiya's arms.

Mel: It's a room where time is dilated... One day out here is one year in there.

Egplan: We can get decades of training in less than three weeks.

Phi: Ooh, nice!

Demiya: Yeah, that's all fine and dandy but, what about the people here who don't want to age decades in a few weeks?

Egplan: Simple, we use the Dragon Balls to prevent us from aging in there, or at least slow the aging process down to the point where a year only counts as a day.

Mel nuzzled Demiya's arms.

Demiya: Melonica?

Mel: Sorry! I...

Mel turned red and pushed him away from her.

Mel: I can't believe I let you hug me!

Demiya: I just wanted to try and help.

Mel: There's a three-day limit. You can only be in the chamber for three days at a time, what's more, there's a two-person limit, so we'll have to partner into groups, and take turns.

Egplan: Well, since I'm mentoring Phi, it's only natural that the groups are, Me&Phi, and Mel&Demiya.

Mel gave me the "I'm so gonna kill you later" eyes.

Delta: Well, the ship will be stuck here for a while until I can fix it up...

I touched the wall and teleported the entire ship to the Lookout.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now