Entry #2.

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It's been a week since we went to Cereal. Mel finally got to fixing the training deck.

Mel was dealing with the mechanics of the system, so she was elbow-deep in mechanics.

Egplan: So~, you programmed yourself a boyfriend? That's a new low.

Mel: Oh, shut up. I was getting lonely, okay?

Egplan: Hehe, I get you.

Mel: How is this stuff harder to work with than Capsule Corp tech?

Egplan: The Tuffles?

Mel: The hell are the Tuffles?

Egplan: I dunno, I just felt the need to blame them.

Mel smeared oil on my face.

Egplan: Hey!

Mel: Hah. Oily eggplant.

Egplan: Ugh, when are you gonna get this done?

Mel: Well, I still have to reattach the emitters, the localized gravity device, the electromagnetic waves, the high-power lights...

Phi came in.

Phi: Master, master!

Egplan: Yes?

Phi: Boss is talking about recruiting someone again!

Egplan: Who is it this time?

Phi: He says it's an albino Namekian? I never heard of such a thing before.

Egplan: Motherfuck-

Six minutes later, the ship had landed on New Namek, and Blizz welcomed the albino Namekian onto the ship.

We sat at the table. Going clockwise, it was Blizz, me, Mel, Phi, and then him.

There was tension in the air, thick enough even a knife couldn't cut it.

Egplan: Demiya.

Demiya: Egplan.

Blizz: Egplan, I know you're mad.

Egplan: You're letting this traitor back in! Of course, I'm mad!

Demiya: I'm not a traitor, just a proud Namekian.

Egplan: You abandoned us in the middle of an escort mission!

Demiya: I went to save a fellow Namekian!

Egplan: He was trying to kill us!

Demiya: He was confused, and taken by the Demon Clan's influence! It was my duty as a Namekian to try and help him out of that state!

Egplan: Bullshit!

Demiya scoffed.

Demiya: Whatever. We're not partners anymore, so it's not like I have to worry about you shooting me in the back, again.

Blizz: Demiya will be partnered with Melonica from now on.

Melonica: WHAT!?! I'm not even a main fighter, I don't need a partner!

Blizz: Think of him like, a bodyguard.

Phi: Does this mean that Master and I are staying partners?

Blizz sighed.

Blizz: Yes, Phi.

Demiya: Ha, Master? She couldn't fight her way out of a bag of chips!

Egplan: Oh, fuck you, Demiya. You wouldn't know teamwork if it punched you in the face.

Demiya: Who even is this blue taffy girl?

Egplan: This is my disciple, Phi!

Demiya: You'd think one would learn to walk before teaching another to run.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now