My talk with Delta.

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(Normal text is Egplan, and Bold text is Delta.)

It all happened when I was 6, my mom had been long gone... My father was the only one taking care of me those days.

I see. Can you tell me a little bit about the place you used to call home, so I can visualize this a bit better?

It was a small house, decorated with tons of exotic furnishing from around the world, we actually had a decently sized yard as well. I used to play with our pet cat until... until we lost her.

So, what exactly happened regarding your father?

Well, over time I could tell he was growing more and more frustrated. He was a Cerealian man, after all, his talents were in marksmanship, but every job he applied to shot him down.


He wasn't emotionally prepared to handle poverty, raising a child on his own, and a wife that just disappeared on us. So one day, he too disappeared from my life, leaving me with Mel's family.

I see, that must've left you with serious abandonment issues.

It really did, I was left by both of them... but, Mel's parents really helped me out, and... they really made me feel at home. I felt like I belonged with them and Mel.

So, why did you leave them?

I guess... I wanted to reclaim some freedom in my life. I was always either cooped up in my room, or hard at work in a Dojo. After I went to train with Mr. Popo up on the Lookout... I got a taste of the outside world, where people aren't gonna hold back in a fight. Where you can actually die in a fight. That's when I went about my days trying to be a hero, protecting the people on the streets...

Can you tell me about the days leading up to your leave from Earth?

Well, I was young... My tenth birthday had just passed, yet I still looked like a toddler. That's the thing about Saiyan genetics, the slowed aging and growth spurts are kind of jarring.

Mel and I had just entered the World Martial Arts tournament. Note: Our power levels weren't that impressive. Merely in the 500s. For Saiyan Blood, that is really low, but we were pretty human after all.

It was funny, I was only a month younger than Mel, but she was so much taller than me. She was more human than me, after all. She didn't get the same longevity and growth spurts.

Mel: Are you ready?

Egplan: You know I am.

After we had signed up, we were put into the Kid's League. 

I won the tournament, and Mel was so proud of me... But still, all I could see was me being cooped up in that house because I knew that as soon as we got home, I'd be forced to do three years of school work in a single day... as my mother would've wanted.

Y'see, my mother was... Pan, Daughter of Son Gohan, and when I wrote the first chapter of my autobiography, I said my "grandparent" was the one that was shipped off from Earth, this was false. It was my Great-Grandfather, Son Goku. 

Son Gohan, being a scholar, inspired her to try and get me to be like him. After all, I didn't seem as stupid as full-blooded Saiyans...

Mel was Vegeta's descendant, that's why our families knew each other.

Anyway, I hated being cooped up, but I loved them.

It was during the afterparty, and after I was given the 1 Million Zeni prize, that the Frieza Force attacked...

Almost all of Satan City was destroyed in the attack, but... There were Hereos, minimizing the damage... 

Mel and I were hiding with our family and all the other Martial artists in the tournament when we saw something glorious.

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