A taffy girl's hunger #1.

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Hi, my name's Phi. Master Egplan was always writing in her journal, so I figured I should take it up.

When I woke up today, I felt two intense fits of hunger, so I ran to the barracks, and I felt my hunger surge. One of my eyes' sclera had turned the darkest black.

Tiny pieces of me split off and devoured 1368 soldiers whole, 129 were cut up to pieces, and 20 as sweets.

When they all returned to me, my power level didn't rise much, but at least one of these hungers was sated.

I felt guilty, but at the same time, I felt overwhelming euphoria from the sweet taste of the soldiers. I had a splitting headache.

Phi: Ow... This hurts so much- but it feels so wonderful to feed- But, Master Egplan's moral lessons told us- Screw her, she told us to suppress our nature- NO! She taught us to fight our impulses!- Then why are you letting me control you?- I'm not! You keep forcing your hands on the wheel- Because you can't drive us toward our destiny without having those stupid moral hiccups!

Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Blizz, barely held together by low-end medical machinery. I don't know why Frigid doesn't put him in a healing pod, he'd be healing in a day or two.

Blizz: Keep up the fight, Kid. You may have not won this time... but you can win another day. You Ki may be wicked, but I think you can beat this.

Phi: Blizz, I... I'm sorry. I can't. I couldn't stop myself from leaving Master, and I couldn't stop myself from joining your brother's side.

Blizz: Kid, I already lost a family member from madness, I'm not going to let there be another.

Phi: It's so hard to control myself... After training with Master, something snapped... With my latent power unlocked, my mind is like a fight between two creatures.

Blizz: You struggle with the same thing as your father. According to the books of Son Gohan, Majin Buu struggled between the morals he was getting from Hercule and the evil he had picked up over the millions of years he existed. He split himself in two, between good and evil.

Phi: I'm familiar with my father's story, Blizz.

Blizz: So you know what you have to do?

Phi: I don't know if I have the strength to do it.

Blizz: You have to undergo fission. Cut her off of you.

Phi: I... I'll lose some of the power I gained from my training with Master...

Blizz: And that's okay. Power is something that can be built back up. Power is like a raging animal. The larger it gets, the harder it is to control. Too much power can corrupt someone who isn't ready for it.

Phi: But...

Blizz: Just, consider it, Phi. I'm off to dig my own grave next to Snow's.

Phi: I can just heal you, y'know.

Blizz: You'd just get in trouble with Frigid. We're better off if I just die.

He smiled at me, but it was a pointless hollow smile. Why do I feel like he's had a lot of practice with fake smiles?

I healed him.

Blizz: Phi, you idiot.

Phi: I'm a Majin, I can survive almost everything as long as I have a single molecule left. Frigid can't destroy me.

Blizz: It's more me I'm worried about. If I had died, then I wouldn't have to endure Frigid's training anymore.

Phi: We can beat him, we just need to hold out till Master arrives.

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