Blizz's letter to Egplan, Part #1.

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(TW: Mentions of domestic abuse, and mentions of injuries sustained.)

It's Blizz... I don't know if this will reach you, I'm barely holding onto my life.

If this reaches you, Egplan, I'm sorry you couldn't save me.

My brother has gotten too strong for any fighter... any fighter, unlike the Super Saiyans of old. 

Even then, it'd take a Super Saiyan God at least to beat him.

His cruelty was hidden for so long, from father... from mother... From the council of six... Only I ever knew what he was truly like until he was crowned emperor. 

My ribs are broken, my heart is barely beating, and one of my lungs has collapsed. My brother refused me basic medical care, so I'm likely to die within the week.;;

In this diary, I write for you with tears, dear Egplan, I wish to show you that my spirit was strong even near death. I guess you could say it is like your little autobiography, "The Great Granddaughter of Son Goku, The Purple-Haired Saiyan." If I were you, I'd drop that first part, you're more than your blood, Kiddo.

So, let's start with my childhood, eh, Egghead? You always wanted to know about my past, but I was always so closed off. I'm sorry, Kid. Take down my brother for me, won't ya?

Our father barely paid me any attention, all of it went to Frigid.

One could say I am akin to my father, Lord Kuriza. I was born without the same mutation as Frigid, Frieza, Cooler, and Cold. It's very common to inherit, but even if you don't it can still appear in your child's blood, hence my brother. The increased potential and power are immense, even among the rest of our race. This causes them to develop a typically evil and malevolent personality.

Part of me feels bad for him, he didn't have a choice to have this mutation, he was just born this way. I wonder how he would've turned out if it just didn't appear in him. It's too late to redeem him, however. He's already done many atrocities, enough to make our twisted ancestors proud.

Was I born the lucky one, Egplan? Born as the only one with a pure heart in a dynasty of evil...

One could say I was lucky I had a chance to choose my own path, to meet you, to meet your sister... To finally have a family I felt I belonged in.

Kid, I know I got off track, but... If you're reading this since I'm probably dead... It's too late to say how I felt about you. We started out together as a team, but... Over time, I grew to think of you like my own child. I had fated myself to never have one of my own, I didn't want to take the chance of bringing in another mutated member of my race. 

Oh, the rambling and rampant emotions of a dead man, I'm sorry I can't keep myself straight. It's hard to write when you're bleeding out and writing with your own bloody finger.

I have remarkable resilience, but I can tell when I'm reaching my limit. Not all of us can survive being reduced to a brain and an eye, y'know.

What was I talking about...


The list of things my brother did to me is almost endless.

Females of our race are rare, even the Kai can't seem to tell us where they are, so, when I found one when I was only 16 years old, it was my one bastion of peace.

Her name was Snow. It was almost meant to be, Snow and a Blizzard literally go together.

She was the one thing that made me happy back then. She always tended to my wounds and injuries, not even requiring an explanation, as she knew I was a fighter.

Fighters get bruises every day... If only I would've told her the real source of my scars...

Four years in, I had done a wonderful job of keeping her away from my family.

We had made plans to elope to the forests of Earth, but life had other plans... 

Blizz: Snow, our life here is stifling what we could be. If we could... leave, together, and settle down somewhere else, somewhere where I don't have to fear that you'll be dead by the time I wake up. Snow... Will you marry me?

Snow: Oh, Blizz! Ye-

A month before you and I met, my brother murdered her in cold blood with a death beam to the brain.  I didn't even get to hear her finish that yes.

Frigid: Weak trash like you doesn't deserve happiness.

My only solace in death is that I may see her again. It's only been six years, so there's a chance... If I survive... No... If you survive your fight with Frigid, use a wish on Earth's dragon balls to give her the life she always wanted. A nice retreat in the woods of Mount Paozu. I couldn't bear the shame of facing her again after six years. Today would've been our 10-year anniversary.

My mother was a kind soul, you'd never guess she gave birth to my brother.

She lost her life to him as well.

It was like Frigid's life goal was to eliminate all the happiness in my life.

Every day he beat me until both my body and spirit were broken...

I'm glad I managed to escape from all of that for even a few years.

I'm glad I managed to make you into a wonderful fighter. I know I've been rather distant in the last year. My fear grew strong. Especially with Phi, a Majin. Majins are prone to the same mental instability as a mutant of my race, so I was afraid that you might not be enough to keep her on the straight and narrow. I can feel her Ki growing closer as I write.

It's grown twisted... What happened? When we met, her Ki was as pure as a newborn child's, but... This Ki is full of a dark thirst...

Fuck... He's knocking on my door. If you don't get another message... There's a button in my room, I stole it from my brother's room when I left the castle those years ago.

-Blizz, your loving emperor.

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