Entry #6.

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We received Blizz's letters shortly after we set off.

I couldn't help but cry.

Egplan: That's our emperor...

Delta gave me a hug.

Egplan: I can still feel his energy, it's not too late, we can...

Delta: His energy may be there, but there's a chance that could just be leftover energy. Like how you can still see stars that are already nothing but space dust.

Mel: Demiya...

Mel turned to face Demiya.

Mel: Is what he said in that letter true?

Demiya: ... I'm not like other Namekians. I was born to be a link to humanity, a physical manifestation of understanding. I was born to experience the world through the emotions of a human.

Mel: That doesn't answer my question.

Demiya: Aye, it's true.

The world glitched for a second, Mel and Demiya being replaced with the girl with the weird eyes and the boy with the dragon. Oddly enough, the same glitch happened to me and Delta.

Everything returned to normal in less than a second.

Mel: Demiya, I... I have no words.

Demiya: Words are for politicians, actions are for the people.

They had their whole cheesy moment and all, but I ran to Blizz's room, with Delta in tow.

Delta: Looking for the button?

Egplan: Yes, I need to know what it does.

Delta: Maybe that's not so wise.

Egplan: Maybe, but I need to know.

I went through Blizz's drawers and found a small pink button.

I pressed it, and some weird old man.

Old Kai: So, Blizz's own student has summoned me.

Egplan: Who are you? How do you know Blizz?

Old Kai: I am Dai Kaioshin-sama, but you can call me Old Kai.

Egplan: Oh, so you were one of those Kai, huh?

I flashed back to my early childhood with Mel, one day we were approached by a woman in a red dress. She matched the description of a Kai but without the typical outfit.

Egplan: Say, would you happen to know of a Kai who's a master Witch, wears a red dress, and has blue skin?

Old Kai: Not that I can think of.

Egplan: Huh.

Old Kai: I can name a few demons that match, however. You're aware of where Blizz's missions come from, correct?

Egplan: Yes, Blizz told me all about the Time Patrol and the Time Breakers.

Old Kai: Have you ever met the Time Breakers' leader, Towa?

Egplan: We've come close, but I never stuck around long enough to engage.

Old Kai: Well, she matches that exact description.

Egplan: I see... I wouldn't happen to have a major effect on the future, would I?

Old Kai: Well, your student Phi does become someone quite honorable. That's all I can say without changing the timeline.

Egplan: Hehe, good to know. How's our debt looking?

Old Kai: It's almost cleared out. You only have one more mission before you are promoted.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Where stories live. Discover now