~Chapter 33~

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Punz, being Punz, decided to throw together a small get together with the boys because Sapnap finally started streaming again. He also planned a group stream, now that Dream did a face reveal.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with? I don't want you to feel left out." Sapnap questions.

"I'm sure, and it's nice to have some peace and quiet." I answer.

"And you're sure it's okay if I bring Elvira? She won't be on stream, but Punz wanted to meet her."

"I'm fine with it, I may tune into the stream at some point. But I think for now I'll read that new book I got after you guys' head out."

"Alright, if you need me to come back early, don't hesitate to call me, Okay?"

"Okay I will if I need to, I love you and be safe." I state, kissing his cheek.

"I love you to, and I will be, especially with Elvira there with me." He states kissing my forehead.

I nod with a smile as I crouch down to Elvira who's laid back on her baby mat, "I love you to Elvira, I'll miss you."

I blow little raspberry kisses on her chubby cheeks, and she giggles, wiggling on the mat making me chuckle.

I stand back up and Sapnap softly grasps my cheek bringing me in for a gentle kiss before leaning away, keeping his hand on my cheek for a few moments.

"We have to get going, I'll miss you." He pouts.

I laugh, "You go have some fun, and I'll miss you to." I state.

He rolls his eyes with a nod before quickly kissing me again. He picks up Elvira and put her in her little car seat before waving goodbye and walking out the door.

I sigh in content, the house an unnormal quiet. I walk back to Sapnap and I's shared room to grab my new book. I plop down on the couch, grabbing a soft blanket and draping it over myself, then grabbing my phone and putting on some light music with no lyrics.

I get completely drawn into the book; the writing was indescribable. The emotion you could feel rushing through your body had made me stop reading to gather myself a couple times. you could feel yourself grow fond of the characters.

This book, God, this book was for sure one of my new favorites.

A loud crash upstairs makes me jump; my eyebrows furrowed in concern.

'I'm home alone, what the fuck was that.'

"Patches?" I call out softly, confused if she made that loud noise.

I stand and place a bookmark in the page I was currently reading, before throwing the blanket off my body and standing up, I grab my phone and turn off the music, putting it in my pocket. I walk to the base of the stairs and call her name softly again, usually she would come to that.

I begin walking up the stairs making it only a couple steps when a leg steps out followed by the rest of their body, making my eyes widen.

"Who the fuck are you, and why are you in my house!" I state, my voice raised as I quickly back down the stairs.

They don't answer but begin to walk down the stairs at an alarming pace.

My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I turn and sprint to Sapnap and I's room, their footsteps following, slamming the door and locking it, I grab the nightstand, although it was heavy, I quickly move it and slam it up under the doorknob.

I grab my phone and immediately call Sapnap, my breath was rigid, short, and raspy. I was terrified, it reminded me to much of my mother.

"Hey baby, what's up?" He answers.

Unforgettable ~Sapnap x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now