Chapter 4: Liar

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

Today Hayato is acting weird. You saw him walking this morning and he just ignored you. He's never done that. He usually says 'Hi' to you. He wouldn't even look at you.

Once again you were in the gym taking photos for the yearbook. Today was your last day there, and you would spend half of the club time here since you had to go back. You walked up to Oikawa to tell him,"Oikawa just so you know today is my last day taking photos, and I have to leave halfway through your practice." The smile on his face dropped to a frown.

"What? Why?"

"I have to go back to the photography club to give them my pictures." You could tell he wasn't happy with that. "If you want me to take pictures of certain things you guys do, just tell me okay."

"Yeah, okay." He looked sad. Why was he so sad? It's not like your leaving forever. He knows he can see you again in the hallway.

Time went by and you had to leave. You waved goodbye to everyone and thanked them for letting me take pictures of them. You walked up the stairs to the club room to see some people in there. You walked in and greeted everyone. Once again Hayato didn't even look at you. Is he scared of something? Did Oikawa say something to him?

"Hey Tsubaki, what's wrong with Hayato?"

"I don't know, he came into school like this. He acted this way the entire day."

"Maybe something happened at home?"

"I don't know?" More and more people piled into the room, and you finally heard Hayato talk.

"Okay everyone, for the next week we will be developing the photos and then give them to the yearbook club." He sounded scared, like really scared. People looked at him weird. But everyone went to work developing some of the photos.

"Hayato is everything okay." You patted him on the shoulder but it made him uncomfortable.

"Yeah, (Y/N), everything is fine."

"Are you sure? You're not acting like yourself. What happened?"

"Nothing happened (Y/N)."

"Did something happen between you and OIkawa?"

"NO! Nothing happened. Just go do your work." Why was he acting like that? Little did you know someone was listening to the conversation. Someone who was planning something.


【Oikawa's POV】

Did that dumbass say something to her. I told him not to. He's receiving his punishment. When people don't do what they're told, you punish them. That's a rule every human and animal knows. It's just nature.

I waited in an empty classroom across the hall. I waited about an hour for them all to leave. When they did leave only one person stayed behind. That's none other than the President himself, Hayato. I walked into the room,"Hey Hayato, how have you've been?"

"I'm good." He tensed up.

"I heard your little conversation. Why don't you come to my house now. My parents are working so it will just be ME and YOU." He nodded his head and came with me. We walked to my house. I had to make sure he didn't run away. We got to my house and I opened the door. "Come on in!" He walked in and I walked in behind him. I closed the door, then locked it.

I grabbed his wrist and said,"Follow me I have a surprise for you." I drag him down into the basement. It was soundproof so no one will hear him. This will be fun. "Do you know why your here?"

"I followed what you said."

"No you didn't (Y/N), knew something about our little conversation."

"I didn't tell her that though!" I slapped him.

"Don't raise your voice at me dumbass. Now you'll be a good little liar, and take your punishment." He began to cry. "Now let's begin."

I grabbed some rope I had and tied him down to a chair. It was easy tying him up since he was in so much shock. I pulled out my dagger and started to cut his arm. I dragged the blade from his elbow to his wrist. The scent of blood started to take over the room. I love the smell of blood, it just turns me on.

I lowered my head onto his bloody arm and licked it. "God, your blood tastes like shit." I cut his other arm like the other one. I pulled the dagger to his throat,"Do you know why you're here? I don't want any lies this time."

"I disobeyed you."

"Exactly but since you disobeyed and lied to me, I have to kill you." His eyes opened in shock. "Did you really think I was going to let you free after this. You really are stupid aren't you." I sliced his throat, but not too much that it would kill him. I kicked the chair back and it fell over. I started to jab the knife into his abdomen. He started to cough up blood.

I then stabbed him in his heart finally putting an end to his life. I carved the word 'Lair' into his cheek. Now everyone knows he's a liar. I took his body and squashed it into an old volleyball bag of mine.

I changed into normal clothes and put my uniform in the wash to wash out all the blood. I walked outside with Hayato in my bag, and headed towards the forest. It was night so no one could see me. He was so easy to break. What a weakling.

I walked a good thirty minutes then stopped. There was a lake and I decided to dump the body here. I put him in a garbage bag with some bricks so he wouldn't float up. I threw him pretty far in, about 10 feet or so. I saw the bag slowly sink to the bottom of the lake. I then went back to my house to finish up cleaning the basement.

The floors were concrete so it was easy cleaning them. The smell however stayed. I used smell pug-ins, air fresheners, and moisture capture bags to try and get the smell away.

The next morning I walked to the basement and there was no smell. Good, now I can move forward with my plan. My plan to make my Little cutie love me.

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