Chapter 7: Torture

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

What is Watari talking about. It does make sense though. That smile he made that one day. Maybe he did something to Hayato. Maybe he saw him as a threat and killed him. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe Watari has this all wrong.

"Are you sure he did that?"

"Yes, he said 'Soon, (Y/N) no one will get in the way of our love. I'll kill anyone that tries to seperate us.' I think you're in danger."

"But he said he was going to kill someone who got in the way, and you're getting in the way. He might kill you."

"If he does, then he does. We should take somewhere private about this. After school, come to my house."

"But what about volleyball?"

"After, if I leave fast. After photo, come back to the classroom, then we can leave."

"Are you sure about this?"


"Okay." The day went on and everything went back to normal. It's like everyone forgot Hayato existed, and that he disappeared. Everything this year feels off. When I started my second year I thought everything was going to be normal. But now, the captain of the volleyball club is obsessed with me and is so deeply in love with me that he would kill people. What has life come to. Maybe I should transfer to a different school. Maybe even move out of the city, maybe even the country.


【Oikawa's POV】

So, that's their plan. See you soon my Little cutie. I have all day to make a new plan. I think I already have one.

The day went on, and I walked down to the gym. I told Iwa that I had to go to my house because I forgot something there. In actuality, I went to my house and grabbed a few essential items. Those items array from knives, ropes, a cloth, and chloroform.

I got back to the gym and we started to practice. I could tell Watari was cautious around me. He's so bad at acting. It's so terrible I can't wait to kill him.

I ended practice early and everyone left. Iwa did hold some of them back including Watari. He is getting impatient at this point. Time for my plan to start.

"Hey Watari can you help me with something?" He looked at me with a sweat mark on his forehead.

"I have to go."

"It will only be for two minutes."

"But I-"

"It can wait." He was really testing my patients at this point. Everyone did leave, and he looked around. "Look at that everyone left."

"Oikawa, stop."

"Stop what?"

"Stop obsessing over (Y/N)!"

"Don't yell at me."

"Why shouldn't I."

"No one gets in the way of me having my Little cutie. And right now, all I see is a pawn in the way." I walked to my bag. I pulled out my two knives. "What do you say, want to have some fun?"

I walked towards him, and he backed away. "Oikawa stop, you don't have to do this."

"Yes it does. You could tell people about my little plan. And I don't want that." I caught up to him and pinned him on the ground. I sliced his arms and legs. His blood oozing onto the floor. I took one of the ropes and put it in his mouth to quiet his screams. He kicked me off of him.

"Stay back."

"Do you really think you can defend yourself. Your limping, and leaving a trail of blood. If you were to run away, I can find you so easily. Now stay still!"

I ran towards him. He tried to dodge my attack, but he failed. "What nice eyes you have." I stabbed him through both of his eyes. He screamed out in agony, then fell limp. I then proceeded to stab his chest multiple times to make sure he was dead.

Now for phase two.


【(Y/N)'s POV】

Everyone at the club was still bummed out about Hayato, but things are still going fine. Tsubaki is doing a nice job of leading. I hope he gets found soon.

I walked to the classroom, our meeting spot. I noticed he wasn't there. I looked inside and saw a note on my desk.

'Hey (Y/N), I had to help Iwazumi with something. Meet me at the gym, we can walk home from there.


That's weird how could he get the note here and still be in the gym? I did proceed to walk to the gym. I was careful, I didn't want to run into Oikawa. If I do, who knows what will happen.

The gym was quiet, the door was slightly open. I cautiously walked to the door. I opened it, walked in. I now regret ever stepping into that gym. My eyes opened in shock. I couldn't move my legs. I couldn't even speak or scream. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

Laying on the floor of the gym was Watari's dead body. Blood was dripping down from his eyes, along with his legs and his arms. My legs began to shake. I started to breath really fast.

"Why hello again Little cutie." I turned around and saw Oikawa with a smirk on his face.

"What did you do!" I bursted into tears.

"I thought you would be happy about this. Now no one can get in the way of our love."

"What love?"

"Stop joking, Little cutie."

"I told you not to call me that."

"Why are you being so bratty right now? This isn't the (Y/N) I know."

"You just killed someone and now you're calling me bratty!"

"Maybe your just tired. Don't worry this will all be better soon."

"What do you mean-." I was cut off. He ran towards me and pinned me to the ground.

"Stay still, I will make the pain go away." He put a cloth to my face and I tried not to breath it in. "Come on now Little cutie, it will not hurt you. The more you struggle, the more you'll be in pain."

I can't hold my breath for much longer, I need to breathe. I felt my eyes get heavy. I did breathe it in. Before I fell asleep I heard,"I knew you were a good girl," and a kiss on my forehead.

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