Chapter 6: Rumor

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

It's now Sunday night. I was laying in my bed thinking about what happened at Oikawa's Friday. He was actually kind of helpful. I do feel bad because I did fall asleep. I felt like something was off at his house. It gave me the chills, it just creeped me out.

I finished my homework, took a shower, then went to bed.

'My body felt light. I was in a dark room, almost pitch black. I looked around the room. There was a man, he had glowing red eyes, and a big smile. It was an evil smile, one that you see psychopaths use. I started to back away from him. He started to come my way. I started to run, and he ran after me. I ran as fast as I can, tears formed in my eyes. He kept getting closer and closer, and then I felt him grab my shoulder.'

My eyes opened, and I sat up. What the actual fuck was that dream, more like nightmare. I sat up, my chest heaved up and down fast. I looked over at the clock in my room and it was 6:29. I got up going into the kitchen. No point of going back to sleep. I made myself breakfast for once, I never eat breakfast on the weekdays. I sat down eating cereal while checking my phone.

An hour passed and I got ready for school. I left my house, and started to walk. It was a nice day. Hopefully the teacher opens the window today or else the classroom is going to be hot.

Walking into school, people were whispering things. Things I couldn't hear due to the chatter in the halls. I saw Tsubaki run up to me,"(Y/N), did you hear?!" I was confused.

"Hear about what?"

"Hayato is missing!"

"W-What? How? Why?"

"(Y/N) calm down, they'll find him."

"But this isn't like him. What if he's dead!"

"He's not. Who would want to kill him."

"I don't know. But, maybe you're right. Who would kill him?"

"We should get to class before we're late." Tsubaki and I parted ways.

I walked into the classroom and everyone started at me, then looked away. I walked and sat at my desk. Watari walked in a minute or two later. "Hey, (Y/N) are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I guess you already heard the news."

"I did."

"I promise you, he's okay."

"This isn't something he would do."

"What are you saying?"

"I think someone killed him."

"You're being ridiculous. It's all in your head." I nodded back at him. I remembered the dream I had. What if I was seeing what Hayato was seeing from his point of view? What is he really is dead.

I tried to pay attention in class. At least during chemistry I understood some things. I could tell Watari was shocked by it. Maybe Oikawa did help. Should I ask him to tutor me again?

The day went on slowly. After school, I went up to the photoroom. Everyone was quiet, no one knew what to do. I guess Tsubaki is in charge until they find Hayato.

Some people still had to develop their photos. But Tsubaki did ask me to bring the ones already done to the yearbook club. I walked there, and gave the photos to their president. Walking through the halls I saw Oikawa. Should I ask him now?

"Um, Oikawa." He looked at me.

"Hey (Y/N). I heard what happened to the president, I'm so sorry." I feel like that isn't genuine.

"I was wondering if you could tutor me again. It actually helped a lot." His eyes lit up.

"Of course I can. I'll always help you."

"Thanks. I have to go. Bye."



【Watari's POV】

Oikawa came back into the gym. He went to refill his water bottle. We once again started to practice again. I practiced the libero set. It's hard to do but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Practice went on for another hour and a half.

Everyone started to leave. I went to go refill my water bottle before I left and I found something I regret. More like saw and heard. There was Oikawa drooling over a photo on his phone. I looked closer at the photo and saw (Y/N) sleeping. Why was he so obsessed with that photo? I have to tell (Y/N) this.

I went to walk away but then I heard him speak. "Soon, (Y/N) no one will get in the way of our love. I'll kill anyone that tries to seperate us."

When he said that, I questioned if I should tell (Y/N). But I have too. I can't let him abuse and use her.

The next day, I saw (Y/N) sitting at her desk. "(Y/N), I have to tell you something," I whispered to her.

"Why are you whispering?"

"It's important and I don't want others to hear."

"What is it?"

"You're not going to believe me, but I thinkOikawa likes you."


"But not in like a romantic way. More like obsessed."

"I don't understand."

"You just have to trust me. Don't go near him or talk to him."


【Oikawa's POV】

I was going to ask (Y/N) when she wanted to do tutoring because she never told me. But I heard something I didn't want to hear. So, I was right, someone was watching me. This ruins my plans. If I kill him, then (Y/N) will fear me. It does sound unsure about this.

Now I need a new plan. One where she can't escape me. Where she can only love me and me only.

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