Chapter 11: Fever

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

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【(Y/N)'s POV】

I woke up with the worst headache. I felt my arms weren't tied up. There was warmth in my left and something cold on my forehead. My eyes slowly opened, I felt more tired than yesterday. "(Y/N) go back to sleep, it is still early." I looked over and saw Tooru.

"T-Tooru," I said with a whisper. "What's going on?"

"You're sick."

"Why are you down here. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I heard you scream and came down here to see you sleeping. I felt your forehead and you had a really high fever. I untied your hands to give you more comfort." He rubbed my cheek with his finger. "Go back to sleep, it's okay." I slowly fell back asleep after his words.


【Oikawa's POV】

"AHHHHHHH!" I jolted awake after hearing that scream. I realized that it was (Y/N) who screamed. I got out of bed and started to run down to the basement. I saw (Y/N) in a cold sweat, and shaking in her sleep. The red tint on her cheeks had gotten more noticable. I put my hand on her forehead and she has gotten warmer.

I shouldn't have left her down here. I didn't realize until now that the basement is dirty and the air feels like it is carrying a sickness. I ran upstairs and got a bowl of water and a rag. I went back downstairs to (Y/N). I placed the damp rag on her forehead and untied the ropes. She can't escape due to her fever being really high, she probably really weak.

After I put the rag on her head, she was still shaking. Is she having a nightmare? Then I noticed that she only had a light sheet for a blanket. I ran up to my room and grabbed the heaviest blanket there. I ran back down and rapped the blanket around her. I took her hand trying to calm her down and stop the shaking. I hope she is alright.


【(Y/N)'s POV】

I once again woke up. I saw Tooru was sleeping. I tried to get my hand out of his grasp, but I accidentally woke him up.

"How did you sleep? Do you feel any better?"

"I feel a little better." He looked at his watch.

"I should probably make breakfast for us. It's almost ten." He picked me up. I had a blanket around me. It was soft and warm. Did he put this on me when I was sleeping? A rag fell off of me while he carried me. Did he put that on me too? I didn't think that he could care this much.

He once again sat me on a chair. Tooru quickly made oatmeal for both of us. He fed me mine since he said 'You are weak right now.' He quickly ate his and cleaned everything up. Maybe he isn't such a bad guy. But still we could have had a relationship if he didn't kidnap me.

Tooru once again picked me up. This time we were heading towards a room I never saw before. He opened the door and there was a bed. "This is my bedroom. I was going to wait until I can trust you so you can sleep in here too. But since you're sick, I think it would be a good time now." He placed me down in the bed. It was so soft. The bed in the basement was like concrete. "Now Little cutie, you are going to sleep now."

"But I just did. We only ate breakfast for almost an hour. I'm not tired."

"That wasn't a question (Y/N). I said sleep."


"(Y/N) I thought you were being a good girl and started to warm up to me. Maybe I was wrong." He opened the drawer on the bedside table. He took out a pill bottle and shaked some out. I started to panic. "(Y/N) now be a good girl, and go to sleep." He jumped onto the bed. He forced my arms above my head, and shoved the pills down my throat. My eyelids got heavy and my eyes closed.


【Oikawa's POV】

Her eyelids dropped down. Her body relaxed and she went to sleep. I didn't think she would act like that. I picked her back up and walked back down to the basement. If she acts like this again, she will never come out of there again. I tied her arms back to the bed frame.

I went back upstairs to finish up putting the alarm system. I already have one on the basement door just in case she tries to escape. There is also one on the front door. All the windows have alarms on them, even the round one that's out of reach.

I have to put (Y/N) in her place. Even if she is sick, this is not the behavior I want from her.


【No Ones POV】

After the Watari incident, they canceled school for three days. Now the school had a dead student and three missing students. They didn't know that Hayato wasn't missing but was dead. The volleyball team didn't play the same now since their libero is dead and their captain didn't come to school. The photography club also noticed that (Y/N) did not come to school either. Tsubaki found that weird since (Y/N) would have texted her if she was sick. The both of them became close and texted each other everyday.

When the police noticed that Oikawa went, they searched his house. His parents were concerned about him. The police found his room a mess. They found fingerprints in there, that wasn't his. They also had a missing person report on (Y/N). They searched her house but found no evidence that someone was in there.

The fingerprints found in Oikawa's room were looked over. When they found out who it was, they sent an officer to tell Oikawa's parents. This was the best lead they had to him missing.

"We now know who took your son after looking over the fingerprints in his room," the officer said. Oikawa's parents looked scared but happy they said missing because he's not dead.

"Who did it?"

"His name is Wakatoshi Ushijima."

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