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Jake woke up alone in his room. He sighed, getting up as he huddled towards the kitchen where he is greeted by his bestie cooking breakfast

"Hey sun" Jake sluggishly says, sitting on one of the stools as sunoo turns to face him with his usual bright smile

"Good morning jakey! I made us pancakes" sunoo tells him, handing a plate of blueberry pancakes with powdered sugar and whipped cream to him as sunoo sits infront of Jake, eating his own stack of pancakes "and please put on a goddamn shirt. I agree you look ripped but please, not at 9 in the morning"

Jake nodded. Immediately in a better mood after getting such good food which he didn't have to make himself. So he ate his pancakes in silence

After he's finished eating he keeps his plate in the dishwasher as he went to his room to wear a shirt before he made his way to the living room, turning on the TV as he calmly began to watch some kdrama which was playing

Everything was silent until sunoo came squealing towards him as he sat next to Jake

"Hey Jake...." sunoo starts as Jake motions him to continue "so Jay hyung asked me to go to a bar tonight with him. And he said you could come along" sunoo tells him as Jake's eyes light up when hearing the word party

Jake loved to party so he immediately said yes causing sunoo to quickly run into his room

But before he closed the door he shouted "we leave at 7:30" as he shut the door afterwards.

Jake acknowledged it before going back to watching TV


When Jake woke up, he checked the time and realised it was 7 aldready. "I must've fallen asleep" he mumbled before making his way to his room to change.

He opened his closet, looking through the clothes before deciding on a his favourite black jeans along with a black mesh shirt with a denim jacket to go along with it.

He then quickly brushed his hair before he heard sunoo call his name.

He quickly rushed out to find sunoo in a similar outfit as the duo make their way out of the house. They hail a cab nearby as sunoo tells the driver the address to the bar as Jake stares out of the window and at the passing building which glow brightly in the night

Before he knew it, they'd reached the bar and sunoo was pulling him inside and towards Jay. Jake was used to this routine.

Exept this time, another man was standing alongside Jay. And fuck did the dude look hot.

They reached Jay as he gave sunoo a big hug before giving Jake a handshake like usual. Everyone who knew jake knew Jake wasn't the type who liked a lot of skinship with random people. Not like Jay was a random person to him, but Jake was only comfortable having skinship with the people he trusted with his whole heart and knew for a long time

Sunoo was the first to inquire about the new face "who's this one?"

"Ah this is heeseung. Heeseung this is sunoo. And this is Jake" jay introduces them as sunoo quickly shakes hands with heeseung

But when heeseung stretches his hand out to Jake for a handshake, sunoo's about to stop him but Jake reaches his hand out to meet his

"Nice to meet you Jake" heeseung says before releasing his hand as he turns to sunoo "you too sunoo"

Sunoo nods before dragging Jake towards the bar as he orders them both some tequila shots as they begin to down then quite quickly

A few rounds of shots in, sunoo is almost completely drunk while Jake is only slightly tipsy. Sunoo sloppily yells to Jake that he's going to the bathroom as Jake nods, watching his best friend stumble towards the bathrooms

He sighs in disappointment before asking the bartender for the menu to look at some nice drinks to get for himself. While looking, he comes across one which catches his eyes;

Poseiden's kiss

As soon as he saw the ingredients list blueberry, he ordered it. He was patiently waiting while on his phone when the bartender placed the drink in front of him. He thanked the bartender before taking a sip, and just like he thought, it was one of the best drinks he'd tried

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