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The entire next day Jake and heeseung spent laying on bed and ordering room service

Neither of them had the urge to go anywhere due to how sore they were from the previous night's activities. Or I should say, intensive activities

Currently the two of them were laying in bed naked while watching Pride and Prejudice for the third time simply because Jake liked the movie

They had just finished lunch for which they had ordered some pizza. Weird but Jake craved for a good pizza after going on a diet for a month to prepare for the competition

Heeseung had simply said that he was ok with whatever Jake wanted which had made the younger's eyes swell in tears, ending in Jake pampering heeseung with kisses as a thank you as their pizza sat untouched on the table

The movie finished as heeseung looked over at Jake to ask him what he wanted to do next, only to see the younger fast asleep

Heeseung smiled at the sight before he shut his laptop, kept it on the bedside table and snuggled in bed next to Jake who immediately cuddled against the elder

Heeseung grinned ear to ear as Jake hooked one on his legs over heeseung's waist and wrapped his arms around heeseung

Jake let out a content sigh as heeseung slowly patted his hair before just going on his phone since he wasn't tired

About an hour later, niki video called him as heeseung picked up with a sigh "hello?" He said, his voice aldready portraying how annoyed he was by the fact someone was disturbing his time with Jake

"Hyung!! Hii~" he saw sunoo laying with Niki behind him "is Jake hyung there? I wanna talk to him" he asked, hissing at something niki did

"Yeah but he's asleep" heeseung said, pointing the camera towards a sleeping Jake

"Am not" Jake's soft voice was heard as heeseung immediately turned to face Jake who gave him a lazy smile as the older smiled back

"Hey hyung!!" Sunoo enthusiastically spoke, bringing their attention back towards the two men on call

"What's up sun" jake asked, snuggling closer to heeseung as the elder suppressed a smile

"We all watched your competition and I swear you are so going to win!" He happily said, moving his body from side to side before quickly pausing and then turning an almost concerning shade of red

"You ok sun?" Heeseung asked even though he had a rough idea of what was happening. He just found it to hilarious

"Y-yeah" he said, clearing his throat before changing the topic "Jake hyung why the fuck didn't you pick up your phone yesterday?? We all called you like a million times" he asked, pouting angrily

"Well you see..." Jake said, unable to find the words to use when they heard jay's voice in the background

"They were probably fucking all night sun! You should expect it by now" he yelled and then proceeded to howl into laughter when he appeared on screen and saw Jake's annoyed face

"Whatever! I'll end the call if you called to be stupid" heeseung said, pushing the phone away when he heard all their friends yell out at once

"The results come out tomorrow right?" Jungwon asked as they all pilled into frame

"Yep" Jake confirmed with a happy smile "but we get the notification tonight. It'll only be formally announced tomorrow"

He said as jay cut in "and let me guess, you won't tell us the result for the sake of 'surprise'?"

Jake just grinned in reply causing the three on the other end to collectively groan in annoyance

"But you'll probably tell heeseung hyung cause he's your man and all that" Niki said while mimicking a squeaky voice which made everyone laugh

"No I won't baby bear. Nobody is gonna know until tomorrow" Jake said, recieving a nudge under the covers for the use of nickname

"Yeah anyways " heeseung said "we gotta go. Byee!" He cut the call without waiting for the others reply as Jake rolled his eyes at his antics

"So what are we doing now?" Jake asked heeseung after a moment of silence

"I don't know" he said with a shrug of his shoulders before facing Jake "wanna fuck again?"

And indeed Jake and heeseung spent the next three hours having very interesting types of intercourse which included the use of certain pieces of equipment heeseung had brought along


Ya girlie is back after like two months 😅😅😮
But like my finals were going on so I had zero time to go on Wattpad
But now I'm back so get ready for more updates!!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter~~

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